City Council 2/7 Meeting Summary

The Sanford City Council met February 7, 2023. Councilor Ayn Hanselman was absent with notice, all others were present. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Becky Brink asked for a moment of silence to remember the family of Polly Mapes, who passed away recently. The minutes of the January 17 and 31 meetings were approved. There was no Mayor’s Report or Subcommittee Reports. Mayor Brink made a short statement to explain that City administration is facing the same inflation that…

School Committee 2/6 Meeting Summary

The Sanford School Committee met February 6, 2023. Jen Davie was absent, all other members were present. Superintendent of Schools Matt Nelson led off the meeting on a somber note. He said one of the Pre-K students at Sanford Regional Technical had died unexpectedly. The administration was in communication with families of the other students there, and the students in the Early Childhood program and their families. The Center for Grieving Children was onsite that afternoon to provide support and…

Rotary Club’s January Thaw Raises $ To Help Homeless

The Rotary Club's 2023 January Thaw event last month raised nearly $10,000 to help Sanford residents who are unhoused or at risk of losing their homes. A large crowd enjoyed food at and drinks Kai Asian Fusion and donated a small mountain of warm clothing items which the Sanford Police Department will distribute as needed. Elias Thomas, President of the Sanford-Springvale Rotary Club, welcomed people to the fundraiser and said he was thrilled with the fantastic turnout. He thanked the…

Community Calendar: February 6-12, 2023

Monday, February 6 School Committee Budget Workshop, 4:00-6:00 pm, City Hall Council Chambers, 919 Main St. This is an in-person meeting, no Zoom will be available. School Committee workshops are open to the public. This workshop, and the meeting that follows, will be available on Channel 26 and live-streamed on Town Hall Streams and YouTube. It will be recorded and available for later viewing. The agenda includes a Special Education budget presentation, and review of Articles 1-11 of the School…

People Around Town: February 5, 2023

The Sanford-Springvale YMCA Titans swimmers are having a record-breaking season! Cato Tyler (pictured below) earned his personal best time and broke the YMCA record in the 200 Breast Stroke at last month's Oyster River Invitational meet held at UNH. The twelve year old's time was 2.51.24, taking almost 7 seconds off of the nearly 20 year old record! Way to go Cato and the entire team of Titans swimmers! Titans swim team member ten-year-old Aleks Johnson impressed Olympic Gold Medalist,…

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