School Committee Budget Workshop, 4:00-6:00 pm, City Hall Council Chambers, 919 Main St. This is an in-person meeting, no Zoom will be available. School Committee workshops are open to the public. This workshop, and the meeting that follows, will be available on Channel 26 and live-streamed on Town Hall Streams and YouTube. It will be recorded and available for later viewing. The agenda includes a Special Education budget presentation, and review of Articles 1-11 of the School Department budget.
School Committee, 6:00 pm, City Hall Council Chambers, 919 Main St., and via Zoom. The agenda includes a presentation on Sanford Pride Elementary School and an update on Sanford Regional Technical Center, among other items.
City Council, 6:00 pm, City Hall Council Chambers, 919 Main St., and via Zoom. The agenda includes a quarterly report from the Sanford Regional Economic Growth Council and a debriefing by Emergency Management Director Alex Hammerle on the operation of the warming center during the recent cold snap, among other items.
Sip and Sign, 6:00 pm, Sanford Elks Lodge, 13 Elm St. Enjoy an evening at The Sanford Elks Lodge making beautiful wooden signs with proceeds going to benefit Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention. No artistic abilities needed – your instructor will take you step by step. Everyone will leave with a beautiful wooden sign that you will be happy to hang or gift! Order your choice of sign here.
Design Review Committee, 6:00 pm via Zoom. The agenda includes a proposal to add a playground to the Kids Kove location at 21 Bradeen St., a proposal by Gold Rush Pawn to add used car sales, and a proposal to add a new entrance to the mill building at 72 Emery St.
4th Annual Hicks and Chicks Adult Prom, 7:30 pm, Sanford Elks Lodge, 13 Elm St. Dress up or down – your choice – for this night out of fun and cheer to support the Sanford Middle School, presented by the SMS PTA. This is a 21+ event with music by DJ Gingersnap. Tickets $20 in advance at or $25 at the door, per person. Cash bar. For more info, call Lenore at 207-838-5217.
Free Puzzle Exchange, 1:00 – 1:30 pm, Goodall Library, 952 Main St. Bring your unwanted jigsaw puzzles from home and trade them in for others at the library. Please make sure puzzles have all their pieces, no pet hair, and come from a smoke-free home.
Notre Dame de Lourdes Celebration, 4:00 pm, 10 Payne St. Notre Dame de Lourdes celebrates its final Mass. This will be a special celebration of legacy and gratitude, with a reception to follow. Bishop Deeley will be in attendance. Please RSVP to Ashley at 206-1320 or
(This will be the regular Saturday weekend Mass, there will be no Saturday Mass at Holy Family.)
Piano Men: The Music of Elton and Billy, 7:00 pm, Sanford Performing Arts Center, 100 Alumni Blvd. A tribute featuring the songs of Billy Joel and Elton John performed by Joe Boucher on piano and vocals, accompanied by a four-piece band and a string orchestra section. Tickets $40-$44, with discounts for students, seniors and subscribers. Get tickets at
Annual Mousam Lake Ice Fishing Derby, 6:30 am – 3:30 pm, sign up/weigh in at at the foot of the lake on Route 109 in Acton, or get tickets in advance at Lakeside Marina, Beadle’s Bait or Waterboro Live Bait. Cash prizes for kids and adults. Sponsored by the Springvale Fish and Game Club. For more info call 207-502-2063 or email
Hanna Powell Memorial Piano Competition, noon, Sanford Performing Arts Center, 100 Alumni Blvd. Free admission. Come cheer on Maine’s young pianists as they compete for cash prizes. For more info, see this story.
Visit our Events Calendar for details on all these events and more.
Bald Eagle recently spotted in Springvale near Dunkin Donuts Photo: Tarrah Littlefield
Homefront facilitators Abi Brown, Jill Belleard and Kristi Carr Photo: Tammy Wells By Tammy Wells, York County Government A peer…
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Snowshoeing is a great way to explore snow covered trails Photo Credit: Shalimar DeBusk By John Henkelman, Registered Maine Guide…
Compiled by Lisa Blanchette Visit our Events Calendar for details on these events and on events to come. ONGOING…
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