Sleep Comes in Many Forms  

Black Bear cub being studied as part of MDIFW’s Black Bear monitoring program.Photo: MDIFWEditor’s note: Did you see something unusual last time you were out in the woods? Were you puzzled or surprised by something you saw? Ask our “In the Woods” columnist Kevin McKeon. He’ll be happy to investigate and try to answer your questions. Email him directly at: By Kevin McKeon, Maine Master Naturalist  Weather too cold? Too hot? No food? No water? No problem! Find a cubbyhole…

Many Hands Stuff Food Boxes

SHS Peer Helpers and members of Maine Army National Guard 1136th Sanford Unit. Courtesy Photo By Lee Burnett, Submissions Editor  A three-way partnership got 77 turkeys into Thanksgiving food boxes given away this past week.  Members of the Sanford Springvale Chamber of Commerce raised the funds and arranged the purchase through Hannaford Supermarkets. Members of the Maine Army National Guard 1136th Sanford Unit delivered the turkeys to Sanford High School. Then members of the SHS Peer Helpers group stuffed the…

Accessible Trail to be Built at Sanford Community Forest 

Flagging tape marks the eventual route of a new handicapped accessible trailat Sanford Community Forest Photo:  Lee Burnett Three Rivers Land Trust secured a $50,000 grant this week to build a handicapped accessible trail at Sanford Community Forest on outer Oak Street.  Funding from the Recreational Trails Program will enable construction of a meandering third of a mile trail from a recently completed gravel parking lot to an existing clearing. Funding will also pay for picnic tables, a chamber-type outhouse, and a…

News Notes: November 26, 2023

By Carolyn Cadigan Skill-building with peers across the state: Last week, 23 JMG eighth grade students from Sanford Middle School attended the Maine Youth Action Network’s Leadership Summit, a two-day event where students discussed social issues that are important to them with youth from around the state. They also networked with statewide nonprofits that address those issues, allowing them to partner with these organizations and bring more resources to the middle school. As a result of their conversations at the…

Passages: November 26, 2023

Lydia Jean Ashline 17, of Sanford, beloved daughter of Hayden Sevey and Nicole Ashline died on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, following a tragic automobile accident in Rochester, NH. She grew up in Sanford where she was a spirited senior at Sanford High School, where she left an indelible mark on the hearts of her peers and teachers. She loved her friends and teachers and was always very active in Peer Helpers there. She was eagerly anticipating a role as a…

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