SHS Peer Helpers and members of Maine Army National Guard 1136th Sanford Unit. Courtesy Photo
By Lee Burnett, Submissions Editor
A three-way partnership got 77 turkeys into Thanksgiving food boxes given away this past week.
Members of the Sanford Springvale Chamber of Commerce raised the funds and arranged the purchase through Hannaford Supermarkets. Members of the Maine Army National Guard 1136th Sanford Unit delivered the turkeys to Sanford High School. Then members of the SHS Peer Helpers group stuffed the birds into giveaway boxes containing other Thanksgiving meal items donated by students from each class.
This is the third year that Chamber members and others provided financial support to the Peer Helpers to complete the project in time for Thanksgiving.
Bald Eagle recently spotted in Springvale near Dunkin Donuts Photo: Tarrah Littlefield
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