Sanford Public Works Employee Receives Commendation from City 

By: Renée Morin  At the March 5 City Council Meeting, Sanford Public Works Employee Cal Bond was presented with a commendation for his actions on January 14, 2024, during the snowstorm.  Route 202, which does not fall under the purview of the City of Sanford, was rendered impassable by the large amount of ice covering the road. In a letter addressed to City Manager Steve Buck, by Director of Public Works/City Engineer Matthew Hill, Hill wrote of the situation, “with…

Harland Eastman: A Man of the World Remembered 

By Lawrence Furbish  In 2004, when I retired and moved back home to Sanford, I wanted to become involved with the local historical society. I was told to contact Harland Eastman. He explained straightaway that there was no historical society, only the Sanford Historical Committee, an official committee of the town. He told me to write a letter to the selectmen explaining my background and interest and was kind enough to point out an error in my first draft. After…

Maine Defense Industry Alliance Announced in Sanford

A metal lathe operator at work Photo: U.S. Navy Some of Maine’s top political leaders visited Sanford on Friday, March 1, 2024, to announce the rollout of a $6.5 million training partnership involving Maine’s major defense contractors, the U.S. Navy, York County Community College (YCCC) and others. The announcement of the Maine Defense Industry Alliance was held at YCCC’s precision manufacturing training site in Sanford’s industrial park, which should see new investments. “The partnership was created to attract and train…


Making new friends at the Sanford Dog Park on William Oscar Emery Drive. Photo: Zendelle Bouchard

Adams Reacts to Being Named USA Today Maine Woman of the Year

By Lee Burnett, submissions editor Sanford Police Sergeant Colleen Adams’ phone began blowing up with text messages Thursday morning. “I actually had to shut it off at one point – family, friends and co-workers. My whole phone was going off the hook,” she said with a laugh. The crush of attention followed news that the USA TODAY newspaper had named Adams one of its Women of the Year for her work with people grappling with homelessness and other crises. The…

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