Category: Photo of the week.

Photo of the Week

Photo: Lisa Blanchette Memorial Gym or winter wonderland? Neither: It’s the 6th Annual Alumni Spree of Trees, a chance for organizations to raise money and shoppers to win valuable prizes. It continues through Dec. 8 at the Memorial Gymnasium.

Photo of the Week

Water flows over the dam from the Springvale Mill Pond. Photo: Gail Burnett

Photo of the Week:

Many mallards gather on Number 2 Pond next to Oscar Emery Drive. Photo: Terry Jellerson

Photo of the Week

Many mallards gather on Number 2 Pond next to Oscar Emery Drive. Photo: Terry Jellerson

Photo of the Week

A few of the witches spotted at the impromptu Witches on Water at #1 Pond, Saturday afternoon, Oct 26. Photo: Connie Garber

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