Category: News Notes

News Notes: September 12

Partners Bank made a recent donation of $900 to Grahamtastic Connection, which equals $100 for each home run hit by the Sanford Mainers at home this season. Several parents and kids protested at Central Park last Friday against the mask mandate in Sanford public schools. Along with a similar protest at Noble High School in North Berwick, they made the channel 13 news. Watch the video here: There was some confusion on social media as to whether the protest…

News Notes: September 5

The Trafton Center - Take Notice Camera Club won multiple ribbons at the Acton Fair. Their photos are now on display at the Trafton Center, so stop by and take a look. Kids Free To Grow is conducting a diaper drive through the month of September to benefit York County families in need. If you can help out, drop off boxes are located at the Sanford-Springvale YMCA, Springvale Library, Frannie's Mini Donuts and Little World 2 Child Care. Mercy Chapel…

News Notes: August 29

Sanford Rec has two new golf programs starting up in September. Youth Golf is for grades 5-8 and starts Wednesday, September 15. $8 per week, pay only for the weeks you play. Ladies Golf begins Thursday, September 16. $15 per week, pay only for the weeks that you play. Both programs are beginner friendly, with basic instruction offered and clubs supplied. Go to and select Register/Programs for more information. The deadline to file nomination papers to run for City…

News Notes: August 22

Sanford school bus routes have been posted. Find them here: Before comedian Juston McKinney made his multiple appearances on the Tonight Show, Conan O’Brien, and had Comedy Central and Showtime specials, he actually lived in Sanford on Old North Berwick Road! In addition, he also has two one-hour specials you can currently see right now on Amazon Prime! He will be performing live at the Sanford Performing Arts Center on September 30, where he will be working on material…

News Notes: August 15

On the last weekend of July, while the Maine Attraction Water Ski team was competing for (and winning) first place, there was another member of the team helping out, but not on skis.  Captain Jack, the golden retriever, was hard at work.  Captain, with his saddle bag, moseyed through the spectators (most of whom know him by name), busily collecting money for the ski team’s adaptive ski program. Adaptive skiing uses special equipment to allow individuals with disabilities to get in the water…

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