City Council 7/21 Meeting Summary

The Sanford City Council met via Zoom on Tuesday, July 21. The following items were among those presented or discussed:

  • City Manager Steven Buck announced that Sanford has received a refund of $12,876 from the Maine Municipal Association for Worker’s Compensation insurance.
  • It was announced that the filing period to run for election to city offices will begin on Friday, July 24. See the full story.
  • Beth Della Valle, Director of Planning and Development for the city, introduced new city planner Molly Kirchoff, and the two presented an update on the work being done on the Comprehensive Plan Update. They shared some of the new maps that have been created, including one of the city’s water resources and another of historic resources. A website specifically for the public to access information and provide feedback is in the works.
  • The Council approved on a 6-0 vote to approve placement of signs stating “No Parking between 11:00 PM and 5:00 AM” in the three parking spaces on the southeast side of the driveway leading to the Police Department, and to authorize the Sanford PD to write and enforce tickets for violations. Police Chief Tom Connolly reported that residents of Sunset Towers have been using them for vehicle storage, leading to difficulty with access for emergency and snow removal vehicles.
  • The Council approved on a 6-0 vote the purchase of a new heavy-duty 4WD pickup truck and related equipment from Quirk Ford in Augusta, in the amount of $32,261. The purchase was scheduled in the Capital Improvement Plan. Fire Chief Steve Benotti explained that the pickup will be used by the Fire Marshall for four or five years, and then will replace the department’s utility vehicle which will be twenty years old at that point, and a lighter duty truck will then be purchased for the Fire Marshall.
  • Police Chief Connolly gave an update on the graffiti spree. See the full story.
  • In the Public Participation segment, there were comments by Nick Taylor of the ATV Club, and Lee Burnett and Dave Parent of the Trails Committee. Mr. Taylor expressed the frustration of ATV Club members at feeling left out of the Trails Committee decision making process. Mr. Burnett agreed there needs to be more collaboration and mentioned that the Trails Committee is taking the ATV Club’s suggestion regarding a trial period for the new trail to Shaw’s Ridge. Mr. Parent explained that the Trails Committee does not have the authority to close the Rail Trail to ATVs, despite some rumors to that effect that have been circulating. He invited ATV Club members to get more involved in the Trails Committee. Mayor Tom Cote reminded everyone that the Public Participation segment of the meeting is not meant to be a debate on any particular issue.
  • Councilors gave congratulations to Frannie’s Mini Donuts for a successful first weekend, and to Dale Bourque on his promotion to Fire Department Lieutenant.
  • Under Future Agenda Items, Mayor Cote asked the Public Safety Subcommittee members to look into speed limits on Emery St., as there have been multiple complaints.

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