A Graduate’s Story

By Lisa Blanchette Many teenagers have just graduated or are getting ready for graduation in the coming week. Savana Summers is not one of them...not a teenager, that is. Savana is 26. When her peers were getting ready for graduation in 2019, she had already been through a lot in her life. She was living in New Hampshire, couch surfing, dealing with a parent’s addiction, developing an addiction of her own, She was a struggling student and then a high…

Planning Update May 2024

Solar Project Map Credit: City of Sanford By Kendra Williams Townhouse Solar: At its May 15 meeting, the Planning Board voted unanimously to table an application to amend plans for a solar power generation facility being developed by Townhouse Properties on Hanson Ridge Road and Angola Street. The plan now calls for a reduced footprint for the solar array. The board received and read into the record letters from three abutters who had objections to the project’s size and appearance.…

News Notes

A senior with dementia uses a tablet computer. Photo: WaveLength Charity/Creative Commons Compiled by Carolyn Cadigan New Springvale service hub supports “aging in place” for more Mainers: To address the growing need for services for older adults in Maine, Southern Maine Agency on Aging (SMAA) is opening a new service hub in the Anderson Learning Center in Springvale this summer. The new location will make services more accessible to people living in Acton, Alfred, Lebanon, Newfield, N. Berwick, Sanford, Springvale,…

Sanford Pride Picnic

Photo: Gail Burnett Showing their colors at the Pride Picnic on June 2 are, left to right, Alex Braise, Coli Williams and Danielle Eschelbach. The event at Gowen Park featured music, food, information and crafts.

Out in the Woods

Eastern whip-poor-wills nest directly on the ground. Photo: Dominick Fenech, eBird Twilight Bird Becoming Uncommon By Kevin McKeon, Maine Master Naturalist Legends of the whip-poor-will, or whip-o-will, begin with early Native American lore that the birds’ unique and unmistakable wailing song is an omen of death; the tale then morphed to the idea that the singing can capture departing souls of the dying. Whip-poor-wills live in thick, young, dry, deciduous or mixed woodlands, especially near fields and other open areas.…

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