A New Chapter for Downtown Revitalization Efforts

On Thursday, November 12, forty Sanford residents, business owners and property owners took part in a Zoom meeting hosted by the Sanford Growth Council, to learn more about the Main Street Affiliate program. The program is a downtown revitalization effort, part of the Maine Downtown Center’s work to advance economic development in Maine downtowns. A presentation by Anne Ball, Program Director for the Maine Development Fund, detailed the Affiliate program, which is designed for smaller communities, or those in the…

Beaver Deceivers to Protect Deering Pond

by Kevin McKeon On a recent warm November day, as part of its directives of preserving special places and maintaining critical habitats, Mousam Way Land Trust worked with the Sanford Trails Committee and a generous donor to complete a project along Sanford’s Rail Trail. Spring time typically brings snow melt and spring rains, causing water runoff; with that, beaver get busy repairing and building up their dams to hold back, or impound, water for summer storage. This creates the habitat that the beaver need…

News Notes: November 12

The Springvale Bureau of Motor Vehicles office will reopen on Monday, November 23. Hours of operation will be from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with phone lines open from 8:30 to 4:30. Please note that is Thanksgiving week, so the office will be closed Thursday and Friday in observance of the holiday. There will be two additional staff members at the office to help with the backlog of transactions. Sanford Regional Technical Center's Fire Science program has donated firefighting equipment…

Covid Update: November 12

Latest Numbers Maine CDC is reporting a cumulative total of 172 cases of Covid-19 in Sanford and 50 in Springvale as of November 8, for a total of 222 cases in our community since the pandemic began. This is an increase of 5 cases since last week's update. As of November 11, there are 304 active cases of Covid-19 in York County. Margaret Chase Smith School There have been no more positive cases identified in connection with Margaret Chase Smith…

Resources Available: Free Trash Bags, Rent Relief, Energy Assistance

The Corner Cupboard, at the Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church, is providing FREE Pay As You Throw (PAYT) orange trash bags on Saturday, November 21, at 10:00 a.m. Drive by or walk over to pick up. The Corner Cupboard is a non-food item pantry for those in need. Its mission is to assist members of the community by providing non-food essentials in a dignified and non-discriminatory manner. MaineHousing announced last week that the COVID-19 Rent Relief Program has reopened, paying up to $1,000 per month for…

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