City Council Meeting Summary: February 16, 2021

Councilor John Tuttle led the pledge of allegiance. He asked for the moment of silence to be in remembrance of George Smith, former director of the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine; and James Morrison of Whitman St., whom he described as “a lifelong Yankees fan, but still a pretty good kid.” Subcommittee reports: Councilor Robert Stackpole spoke about the Zoning Subcommittee’s discussion on possible zoning changes to allow for retail marijuana sales. He called it a good starting point, but added…

Latest Covid Data & Vaccine Update

While new cases of Covid-19 are declining in most Maine cities and towns, this week Sanford and Springvale saw an increase in new cases compared to last week. 45 new cases of the virus were recorded in Sanford this week, and 12 in Springvale, for a total of 57 in our community. (Compare that to Portland, which had 60 new cases this week, but with more than three times our population.) There have been 1,244 total cases of Covid in…

Mousam Promenade Taking Shape

The Mousam Promenade, a planned 10-foot wide multi-modal (pedestrian/bike) path around Number One Pond, took a step closer to fruition this week, when the City Council voted to accept a grant of $400,000 from the Safe Routes to School initiative. The funds are targeted toward the portion of the path along William Oscar Emery Drive and Riverside Avenue. Safe Routes to School is a federal program that works to make it safe, convenient, and fun for children to walk and…

Westside Village Getting Smoked

From Matt Hill, Director of Public Works SANITARY SEWER & STORM WATER INFRASTRUCTURE SMOKE TEST To the Residents & Business Owners of the Westside Village: The Sanford Sewerage District and Sanford Public Works Department are conducting a cooperative smoke test of the sewer and storm water systems during the week of February 22nd weather permitting.  The Westside Village encompasses the following roadways:  Twombley Rd (Main St – Kimball St), Kimball St (Main St to Twombley Road), Prescott St, & Shaw St.  This test will permit both…

Sanford’s Got Moves!

Sanford’s Got Talent is going virtual for 2021. From February 8 through February 26, the Sanford Middle School Jobs for Maine Graduates (JMG) program is accepting one-minute videos from SMS students (four day, hybrid and remote) and staff showing off their best dance moves. You can recreate your favorite Tik Tok dance, or combine a talent with a dance. All accepted videos will be combined into a montage which will air on YouTube in early March. The top three vote…

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