Budget Committee 3/18 Meeting Summary

The Budget Committee meeting on March 18 began with a summary of the budget by City Manager Steven Buck and Superintendent of Schools Matt Nelson. The Committee had asked for a tax rate calculation sheet, showing the change in the proposed 2021-2022 budget as opposed to last year’s, with the percentage as well as dollar amount change. Since the assessors’ work is not finished yet, Mr. Buck used what he described as “a very conservative number” of $80 million increase…

Arrests & Summonses: March 12-18, 2021

Friday, March 12, Sanford Police responding to a domestic disturbance at 7:00 a.m. on Ledgewood Ave. arrested a 36-year-old North Berwick resident for domestic violence aggravated assault and violating condition of release. The following day, our officers had five domestic disturbance calls, one of which, to a Main St. address, resulted in the arrest of a 36-year-old Lebanon resident on charges of domestic violence assault, criminal mischief and assault. Among the other calls that day, they also issued warnings on…

Covid-19 Update: March 18

Cases of Covid-19 in our community zigged up again this week, after zagging downward the previous week. With data as of March 14, Sanford has now had a cumulative total of 1,079 cases of the virus (up 25 from last week), and Springvale has had a total of 261 (up 6 from last week). The combined cumulative total of cases is now 1,340. There have been 476 new cases of the virus in York County in the two-week period ending…

City Council 3/16 Meeting Summary

Councilor Jonathan Martell led the Pledge of Allegiance and the moment of silence. A Commendation was awarded to Public Works Department employee Aaron Downs on behalf of the City, for his service to the country. In the letter of Commendation, Public Works Director Matt Hill wrote “After being called to mobilize by Maine Army National Guard, A. Downs responded and performed duties required to protect Democracy, following an insurrection, ensuring a peaceful transition of power in our nation’s capital.” A…

School Committee 3/15 Meeting Notes

Construction Update Superintendent of Schools Matt Nelson went over the latest updates on legal issues surrounding the construction at Sanford High School. The School Department has been sued by the contractor, Warren Mechanical, over a dispute with a subcontractor. It will likely go to arbitration. The construction at Pride Elementary is still behind schedule, but the contractor has been asked for a plan to catch up. Mr. Nelson showed the Committee the architect’s renderings of the front of the school,…

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