SHS AP Capstone Symposium

Sanford High School offers many Advanced Placement or “AP” courses across several disciplines. In addition to those subject-specific courses, SHS also participates in what is called the AP Capstone program. In this program, students who choose to participate develop skills in research, analysis, evidence-based arguments, collaboration, writing, and presentation.  The culmination of each student’s original research project is a 20-minute recorded presentation, a 4000-5000 word essay, and a symposium. The symposium, which took place June 1, required students to condense…

Vote on School Budget June 8

Sanford's School Budget Validation Referendum is June 8. If you haven't already voted early, cast your vote at the polls on Tuesday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. If you are not yet registered, you may do so at City Hall, even on Election Day. The three polling places are: Ward 1: Nasson Community Center Gym, 457 Main St., SpringvaleWard 2: St. Ignatius Parish Hall, 25 Riverside St.Ward 3: Sanford High School, 100 Alumni Blvd. Use Door 41. Approval of…

Help Protect Nesting Turtles

May through July is prime nesting time for many of Maine's native turtles. During this time, turtles often cross roads, sometimes with fatal consequences. Lauren McPherson of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries offers this advice for helping turtles cross roads: If you come across a turtle crossing the road and there is no oncoming traffic, allow the turtle to continue crossing without help. Observe from a distance to ensure it safely reaches the other side. If traffic is coming,…

City Council 6/1 Meeting Summary

Deputy Mayor Maura Herlihy led the Pledge of Allegiance and asked for a moment of silence. The Mayor and four Councilors were present. Councilors Tuttle and Lanigan were absent with notice. Mayor Ann Marie Mastraccio read a letter she received from Rhonda Bennett of Springvale. Ms. Bennett wrote to thank her, Fire Chief Steve Benotti, and Police Chief Tom Connolly for all the assistance provided to her and her family by the City when her home on Railroad Ave. burned…

News Notes: May 30, 2021

Holiday closings: City Hall, all other City offices and both Libraries will be closed on Monday for the Memorial Day holiday. Trash and recycling pickup will be as usual. The transfer station will be closed on Tuesday. At Southern Maine Health Care, primary offices, labs and radiology will be closed on Monday. The Walk-In Care Center will be open. Masks are still required at all Southern Maine Health Care offices. The Sanford Vaccine Clinic is open limited hours in June,…

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