News Notes: April 14, 2022

Sanford Elementary, Middle and High School Choruses presented their district-wide "Spring Sing" concert virtually last week. Click here to view the "Spring Sing" YouTube Premiere. If you missed Sanford resident Cheeny Plante's episode of "Naked and Afraid" on the Discovery Channel last week, read all about it in Shawn Sullivan's article on Seacoast Online. The Stories Quilts Tell program at Springvale Library has unfortunately been cancelled, but instead the Library will present Quilts From Kuwait to Kenya and Around the World with Paramjeet…

School Committee 4/4 Meeting Summary

The Sanford School Committee met April 4, 2022. All members were present. There was no public participation. Committee Reports Construction: Superintendent of Schools Matt Nelson reported that he will be getting written assurance from Briggs, the subcontractor that is working on the HVAC problem at Sanford High School, that the issue will be resolved even if it takes into next winter. The School Department is finalizing a change order for the SHS/SRTC project to come to an agreement with the…

Subcommittee Reports: April 2022

Three of the City Council's Subcommittees met April 12, 2022, to discuss a variety of issues. Here is a quick synopsis of items that were discussed. Municipal Operations and Property Subcommittee Marginal Way: Issues with a resident of Marginal Way who is reportedly speeding, passing school buses and otherwise disturbing neighbors and the environment were discussed with Police Chief Craig Andersen, who said the Department will be stepping up patrols in the area. Residents who have criminal activity to report…

Parking Ordinance Changes Proposed

Changes Would Provide for Enforcement of Unpaid Tickets A proposal by the Sanford Police Department to provide an enforcement mechanism for unpaid parking tickets will go to the City Council for a public hearing next month. Currently, the Department can ticket people who park illegally, but if they don’t pay, there are no repercussions. Police Chief Craig Andersen said this is unfair to those who do pay their tickets. Under the proposal, a parking ticket fine will double if the…

Police Log Digest: March 27 – April 2, 2022

On Sunday, March 27, a summons was issued to a 23-year-old Sanford resident following a disturbance on Washington St. The charges were criminal mischief and violating condition of release. The same individual was summonsed later that day for false public alarm or report after a second disturbance on June St. A report of shoplifting was taken on Main St., and peace was restored following a domestic disturbance on Main St. Monday, March 28, officers responded to a motor vehicle accident…

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