City Council 2/1/22 Meeting Summary

The Sanford City Council met February 1, 2022 via Zoom. Councilor Jonathan Martell was absent with notice. City Manager Steve Buck was also not present. Deputy Mayor Maura Herlihy led the Pledge of Allegiance and asked for a moment of silence in memory of Councilor John Tuttle. She thanked him for his years of dedicated service to the community. The minutes of the January 18 meeting were approved. Mayor’s Report Mayor Anne-Marie Mastraccio reported that, due to staff time off,…

Council Approves Purchase of Springvale Nurseries Property for Future Fire Station

At its meeting on February 1, 2022, the Sanford City Council voted 5-0 to approve the purchase of two properties, at 1274 and 1280 Main St. in South Sanford, for the purpose of building a new fire station. The purchase price of $585,000 is coming from federal American Rescue Plan Act funds, which were allocated by the Council at its January 18 meeting (see that story). The two parcels, R12-20 and R12-21 on the tax map, are currently owned by…

Valentine’s Weekend 2022 Events

Valentine's Day is on a Monday this year, but the weekend before is shaping up to have some great events right here in town for you and your special someone ! Music/Dancing On Friday night, February 11, the 3rd Annual Hicks and Chicks Adult Prom will be held at the Sanford Elks Lodge beginning at 7:30. You can dress fancy to flannel and everything in between! This is a 21+ event, and will feature music by Dj Gingersnap. Tickets start…

Longtime Friendship Turns to Late-Life Romance

Sanford residents Ruby McLellan and Paul Roberts met 76 years ago after Ruby and her husband, Bob McLellan, moved into their first home in Alfred. Paul stopped by one day to welcome the newlyweds to the neighborhood. At the time, Paul’s girlfriend Alicia Hall lived across the street from the McLellans. The four young people became good friends. Since neither couple had much money, on Saturday evenings they would often pick up some hotdogs and rolls and have a little…

Broadway’s Next Hit Musical Returning to SPAC

Press Release The outrageously funny Broadway’s Next Hit Musical returns to Sanford Performing Arts Center on Saturday, February 12, 2022 for one performance at 7:00pm. The show last came to the SPAC in February, 2020, just before Covid-19 forced the theater to cancel its series of touring performances. The only unscripted theatrical award show of its kind, Broadway’s Next Hit Musical hits the stage with four of New York’s finest master improvisers, plus an improv composer at the piano! Gathering…

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