Municipal Operations & Property Subcommittee 8/9 Meeting Notes

The City Council’s Municipal Operations and Property Subcommittee met on Tuesday, August 9. The Subcommittee members are Mayor Anne-Marie Mastraccio, Deputy Mayor Maura Herlihy and Councilor Becky Brink. American Legion: Joe Doiron and Bill Cameron of American Legion T.W. Cole Post 19 spoke about their plans to install an elevator attached to the facility at 656 Main St. They are working with electrical and elevator contractors to get quotes and plans, and expect it will take two years to raise…

Sanford Awarded $25M in Federal Funds for Downtown Revitalization Project

Press Release The City of Sanford announced this week that it will receive a federal award of $25 million for a necessary and much-anticipated revitalization of its downtown. The RAISE (Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity) Grant application was submitted by the City in collaboration with the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT).  Dependent upon the final bid award, there will be a MaineDOT and local match of approximately $10M. The $25M project award will be used entirely for construction,…

Drought Update for the Sanford Water District

Press Release Despite Southern Maine’s current dry spell, the water supplies for the Sanford Water District have not been negatively impacted. All of the District’s sources are maintaining water levels within the expected range for this time of year. Some water utilities in nearby communities utilize surface water supplies, which are far more vulnerable to dry spells.  Sanford Water District is very fortunate to source its water supply from large groundwater aquifers in the glacial outwash plain, a very drought…

Military Appreciation Day 2022

by Dale Midgley On July 6, 2022, the Sanford Mainers of the New England Collegiate Baseball League (NECBL) played host to the veterans and military service members of York County at the annual Military Appreciation Day at Goodall Ballpark in Sanford. The American Legion Post #19 assisted by the Amvets & VFW organized and coordinated the event. On a beautiful summer evening the Color Guards of the Civil Air Patrol #078 and the American Legion Post #79, Kennebunk plus Cadets…

Arrests & Summonses: July 16-31, 2022

Saturday, July 16: Following the report of an assault on Main St. in Springvale, 15-year-old juvenile was summonsed for the crime. A 51-year-old Biddeford resident was arrested for theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, following a shoplifting call on Cottage St. A 24-year-old Newfield resident was summonsed for multiple charges in connection with a report of breaking and entering on Lebanon St., including criminal trespass, criminal mischief and violating condition of release. Sunday, July 17: A 50-year-old resident of Union,…

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