Event Series Community Café

Community Café

Mayflower Place 27 Mayflower Drive, Sanford, ME

Community Café DetailsCafés are open to Maine residents age 60 and older. You may initially register for community cafés by showing your license or proof of age. Lunch is served […]

Event Series Lego Club

Lego Club

Louis B. Goodall Memorial Library 1364 Main Street, Sanford, ME

For ages 5 - 12 (age 8 or less must be accompanied by an adult). LEGOs are provided by the library from our huge collection. Completed projects may be displayed in […]

Event Series Fiber Arts Group

Fiber Arts Group

Louis B. Goodall Memorial Library 1364 Main Street, Sanford, ME

Do you knit, crochet, quilt, cross-stitch, or sew? If so, and you’d like some company while you work, join the weekly fiber arts group.

Event Series Sensory Story Time

Sensory Story Time

Springvale Public Library 443 Main St., Springvale, ME

Children ages 3-6 and their caregivers meet with Miss Sheila for stories, with a visual schedule and sensory activities to support neurodiversity. #SpringvaleLibrary #StoryTimes #SensoryStoryTimes

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