Category: Photo of the week.

Photo of the Week

Sunrise on Number One Pond Photo: Terry Jellerson

Photo of the Week

A lot of ammunition for an epic snowball fight!   L-R: Esther and Keren Pierce made over 400 snowballs last week and placed them on the flagpole at the Haven Cove Condos on the Mousam Trail in Springvale.  Photo: Tara Pierce

Photo of the Week

A view of Number One Pond from the Winter Street Bridge in Sanford invokes thoughts of winter magic.  Photo: Lisa Blanchette

Photo of the Week

Abandoned and slated for demolition, the International Woolen Company boiler house is located between Pioneer Ave. and Heritage Crossing/Weaver Dr. Photo: Tiffany Riley Photography

Photo of the Week

The snow-covered rail trail in Springvale beckons skiers, snowshoers and snowmobilers. Photo: Gail Burnett

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