York County Senior College Announces Spring 2022 Courses

York County Senior College Announces Spring 2022 Courses

Press Release

York County Senior College (YCSC) is pleased to announce our Spring 2022 course line-up!

As you review this listing, we ask – if you have a love of continued learning, teaching, organization, and have an extra few hours you are willing to donate, be part of our team – consider volunteering with York County Senior College. We need assistance with IT, Curriculum and PR. Email us at: info@yorkcountyseniorcollege.org. We’d love to hear from you!

Course registrations open on Tuesday, March 8, and classes begin on March 30. Courses will be presented primarily online via Zoom, with a few on-site in-person, and a few outdoors. Registration is done using CourseStorm, our totally online registration, which is accessed through our website at yorkcountyseniorcollege.org. A summary listing of our Spring 2022 courses follows. More in-depth course descriptions are available in CourseStorm.

Online Zoom Courses

  • Tuesdays
    • Portraits of Racial Justice – Jeff Goldsmith – April 19, 1:00 PM – 5 classes, Required Book: “Portraits of Racial Justice” by author Robert Shetterly
  • Wednesdays
    • When Is It Justifiable to Take a Life? – Mike Berkowitz – March 30, 1:00 PM – 8 classes
    • Book Talk – Arlene Jackson – April 6, 10:00 AM, every other week for 8 sessions
    • Geology – Steve Podsiadlo – April 6, 10:00 AM – 7 classes
  • Thursdays
    • Broadway: the 8 Longest-running Musicals Ever! – Lorraine Dutile Masure – April 7, 10:00 AM – 8 Classes
    • Introduction to Meditation – Jeff Goldsmith – April 21, 11:30 AM – 8 classes
  • Fridays
    • Viruses, Plagues, Society, and the Future – Joel Kallich – April 1, 9:30 AM – 6 classes

Onsite In-Person Courses at Anderson Learning Center, Springvale **

  • Fridays
    • Open Art Group – Gary Wood – April 8, 9:30 AM, 8 weeks
    • Beginning Watercolor – Judith Gaudet – April 15, 9:00 AM, 4 weeks

Onsite In-Person Courses at UMA Saco Center **

  • Mondays
    • Basic Drawing – Michelina Callahan – April 4, 1:00 PM, 8 weeks
  • Thursdays
    • Henry VIII, Bigger than His Wives – Kathleen Harder – April 7, 1:00 PM, 6 weeks

Outdoor Courses **

  • Monday
    • Field Trip “Secrets of the Saltmarsh” – Steve Podsiadlo – May 16, 10:00 AM – 1 Class – National Estuarine Reserve, Laudholm Farm, Wells
  • Tuesdays
    • Digital Photography – Millett Day – April 19, 9:30 AM – 6 Classes, 1st Class meets at Laudholm Farm, Wells
  • Thursdays
    • Plein Air Painting – Pat Wood – April 21, 9:30 AM – 6 classes, 1st Class meets at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Saco

To register for a class: on the website click the Courses/Sites tab, then scroll down the page to the colorful CourseStorm link. Membership (still only $25/year) in senior college is required to register for a course, and course fees are no higher than $25 each. Online registration eases and speeds up the process for students and YCSC administration and provides students with immediate confirmation of the registration. While online registration is preferred, mail-in registrations can be made by mailing your check payable to YCSC with your name, address, email address, phone #, and the course(s) for which you wish to register to: YCSC, UMA/Saco Center, 4 Scamman St., Ste. 18, Saco, ME 04072.

** Health Guidelines for YCSC In-Person Classes:
All registrants for YCSC in-person classes (indoors or outdoors) must be prepared on their first day of class to present their Covid vaccination ID card confirming all shots and boosters, to wear masks and to submit signed Assumption of Risk form. Those not fully vaccinated should not plan on attending in-person classes.

Please call (207) 282-4030 or email info@yorkcountyseniorcollege.org with any questions.

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