Last month, students at Sanford Community Adult Education completed a two-day course in Wilderness First Aid with instructor Thomas Miskell. Wilderness environments create special situations not usually encountered in an urban or suburban environment.
This class from the American Health and Safety Institute teaches one how to be better prepared for accidents and illnesses that may occur in a remote outdoor setting when faced with limited resources, longer times to care for someone, and decisions about when and how fast to evacuate all ill or injured persons. This comprehensive 16-hour course meets or exceeds the Boy Scouts of America wilderness first aid curriculum and doctrine guidelines, 2017 Edition. Topics include preparation and assessment, preventing and caring for injuries and illnesses, and environmental hazards. Students who complete the course are certified for a two-year period.
The Wilderness First Aid course will be offered again in the spring. SCAE offers a range of healthcare classes including an Advanced CPR course scheduled for February 2023.
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