Wanted: Shipyard Workers Willing to Drive

Wanted: Shipyard Workers Willing to Drive

From a press release

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard workers could become paid drivers under a pilot program aimed at increasing convenience and reducing the number of cars commuting to the shipyard in Kittery.

York County Community Action Corp. (YCCAC) is advertising for drivers and hopes to introduce expanded bus service by the end of the summer. The agency received two years of funding through Maine Department of Transportation’s Workforce Transportation Program to try out a worker-driver service that has been introduced elsewhere.

Under the program, shipyard workers will become temporary employees of YCCAC and will get paid to drive buses to and from their full-time work at the shipyard. The new service will also be eligible for the Transportation Incentive Program (TIP) for shipyard employees who ride the buses to work. Sanford is home to more shipyard workers than any other Maine community.

The project was a high-priority recommendation from the Joint Land Use Study process, a collaborative planning initiative between state and local governments in partnership with the PNS military installation. Funding will help support two years of operating expenses and the possibility of having four buses to provide service Monday through Friday. The goals are to increase convenience for employees traveling to the shipyard while helping to relieve congestion in York County, particularly in downtown Kittery.

YCCAC will be working with the Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission and shipyard staff to develop detailed plans; the goal is to have the service start at the end of summer or early fall.

What’s needed now are drivers. Drivers do not need to have a commercial driver license, although some commercial driving experience is helpful. Any first-shift PNS employees in the Sanford area who are interested in exploring this new service should contact Kim Engel at 207-459-2928 or kim.engel@yccac.org.

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