The Trafton Travelers are back in the swing of things, with a full schedule of trips upcoming for the rest of the year. For details on any of the trips, or to reserve your spot, call Robin at (207) 457-0080.
The Travelers are also looking ahead to next year, with two European trips planned through Collette’s.
The YMCA Trafton Center is a membership-based organization dedicated to providing individuals 50 and older with opportunities to socialize and participate in learning and wellness opportunities. Annual single adult membership is $72, no additional cost for Sanford-Springvale YMCA members. In addition to the trips, they have over 20 regularly scheduled classes/programs, including ballroom dancing each Thursday at 3:45; wellness activities including yoga, chair yoga and tai chi; games including bingo, cornhole and scat; monthly walks and more. Stop by the Center at 19 Elm St. and join in the fun!
Bald Eagle recently spotted in Springvale near Dunkin Donuts Photo: Tarrah Littlefield
Homefront facilitators Abi Brown, Jill Belleard and Kristi Carr Photo: Tammy Wells By Tammy Wells, York County Government A peer…
Emily Sheffield Phot: Autumn Bliss Photography By: Jennifer Davie How many hats can one person wear? That’s a challenge that…
Snowshoeing is a great way to explore snow covered trails Photo Credit: Shalimar DeBusk By John Henkelman, Registered Maine Guide…
Compiled by Lisa Blanchette Visit our Events Calendar for details on these events and on events to come. ONGOING…
Sweetser’s Liz Smith (left) and Karen Dow were on hand at a recent Health & Wellness Fair to inform college…