The City of Sanford Announces Openings for the Board of Assessment Review
The Board of Assessment Review has five openings, each for a three year term. The Board meets as needed to review and rule on appeals duly filed in writing by taxpayers regarding any tax assessment made by the Sanford Tax Assessor.
Applicants for these positions must be residents of Sanford or Springvale and should have familiarity with or expertise in the areas of real estate, accounting or assessment, and should have an understanding of the rules of assessment. Training will be provided to Board Members upon appointment.
Application forms are available by contacting the City Manager’s office at 324-9173 or by email at, or by visiting the City’s website and looking under Government/Boards & Committees.
Please mail applications to: City of Sanford, Attn: Lorisa Ricketts, 919 Main Street, Sanford, ME 04073
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