This Week’s Public & Legal Notices: November 6, 2021


The Sanford City Council will hold a Public Hearing and receive written and oral comments at its November 9, 2021 meeting at 6 pm to:

1. create a Residential Development Overlay Zone (RD Overlay) to allow a Utility Solar System as a Conditional Use, with the requirement that an application a) demonstrate a compact pattern of residential development is not economically feasible because of physical and  natural features of the property, b) minimize impacts on exiting           residential development/residential zones, c) comply with Rural Residential Zone solar standards, d) is not sited on property where public sewer and water can be extended to support a compact residential development, e) support efforts to protect the headwaters of Goodall Brook and vulnerable water bodies, and f) provide additional submission requirements for Major Site Plan review; and

2. designate parcels L24-6, L25-33, R8-69A, and R8-69 as RD Overlay Zone.

The hearing may be held in person in Council Chambers at City Hall, 919 Main Street, Sanford, or via remote video and teleconference pursuant to 1 MRSA §403-B(2)(D) and Section 6 of the City Council Rules of Procedure pertaining to conduct of meetings in indoor public space. Instructions for joining the meeting by remote methods will be posted at on November 5, 2021. The meeting will be broadcast on cable channel 26 and online at Comments may be submitted at under Email City Departments/City Council. Questions may be directed to the Planning Office at 324-9150.


The Sanford Planning Board will hold a public hearing & receive written & oral comments at its November 17, 2021 meeting starting at 6:30 pm on Pine Tree Waste’s proposal to expand an existing maintenance and truck parking operation on an adjacent undeveloped parcel (Tax Map R19-215) it owns at 19 Clear Zone Road.The hearing may be held in person in Council Chambers at City Hall, 919 Main Street, Sanford, or via remote video and teleconference pursuant to City Council Rules of Procedure, reflecting recent recommendations of the US and Maine CDCs pertaining to conduct of meetings in indoor public space. Meeting information, including how to connect via Zoom, is provided at Questions should be directed to the Planning Office at 324-9150 or



For 6 PROULX COURT identified as Tax Map K15, Lot 36 and further described in a Deed recorded in the York County Registry of Deeds at Book 16467, Page 367 and Mortgages recorded at Book 14601, Page 434 and Book 15191, Page 90; and

For 18 WINTER STREET identified as Tax Map K28, Lot 67 and further described in a Deed recorded in the York County Registry of Deeds at Book 17371, Page 287 and Mortgages recorded at Book 14314, Page 300 and Book 14314, Page 326; and

For 19 MILL STREET identified as Tax Map K14, Lot 34 and further described in deeds recorded in the York County Registry of Deeds at Book 12199, Page 175 and Book 14121, Page 871, and Book 15297, Page 550 and           Mortgages recorded at Book 14717, Page 666 and Book 14963, Page 428; and

For 27 WILSON STREET, identified as Tax Map H31, Lot 4 and further described in a Deed recorded in the York County Registry of Deeds at Book 14590, Page 573 and Mortgages recorded at Book 14590, Page 575 and Book 15198, Page 399.

The owner and parties in interest of the above listed properties, 6 Proulx Ct, 18 Winter St, 19 Mill St, and 27 Wilson St are hereby notified, pursuant to 30-A M.R.S.A § 3106 that within twenty one (21) days of November 12, 2021, all covered property, including all tangible personal property located in or on the said property must be claimed or removed.  If covered property is not claimed within 21 days and possession of the covered property is not taken within 10 days of claiming it, the City may sell the covered property and apply proceeds from the sale to help recover expenses; or if the property has no market value, otherwise dispose of the property.  The City Manager was authorized and directed by the City Council to take the necessary steps to abate the nuisance condition, including removal and disposal of said building, and securing the property.  The City will recover all expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, by means of special tax or civil action.  You can discuss this notice with the Director of Community Development for the City of Sanford prior to the expiration of this notice at (207) 608-4101 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.



Credit Enhancement Agreement between the City of Sanford and LabelTech, LLC relating to the “Sanford Airport Omnibus Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District,”

Credit Enhancement Agreement between the City of Sanford and Sumner Properties, LLC relating to the “Sanford Airport Omnibus Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District”


General Obligation Bond Project Notice and Proposed City Council Approving Order

November 23, 2021 at 6:00 PM



Notice is hereby given that the Sanford City Council will hold three public hearings for the purpose of receiving public comments on: (1) a proposed credit enhancement agreement between the City of Sanford and LabelTech, LLC, relating to the development of lots or parcels of land on or adjacent to Presidential Lane at the Airport and identified as Hangar W58, located within the Sanford Airport Omnibus Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District; (2) a proposed credit enhancement agreement between the City of Sanford and Sumner              Properties, LLC, relating to the development of lots or parcels of land on or adjacent to Presidential Lane at the   Airport and identified as Hangar W59, located within the Sanford Airport Omnibus Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District; and (3) a proposed City Council Order that reads:

Shall the City Council: (1) approve a capital improvement project including infrastructure and road extensions         located at the Sanford Seacoast Regional Airport and other expenses reasonably related thereto (the “Project”); (2) appropriate a sum of up to $250,000, plus any additional premium, to fund the Project; (3) authorize the Mayor and the Treasurer to issue general obligation securities of the City (including temporary notes in anticipation of the sale thereof) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $250,000, plus any additional premium, to fund the           appropriation; and (4) delegate to the Mayor and Treasurer the authority and discretion to fix the dates, maturities, interest rates, denominations, calls for redemptions (with or without premium), form, refundings, agreement(s), and other details of said securities, including authority to execute and deliver the securities, certifications, and agreements, including the execution of any loan agreements, relating to the purchase and financing on behalf of the City?

The public hearings regarding the proposed credit enhancement agreements are proposed pursuant to the provisions of the Development Program for the Sanford Airport Omnibus Municipal Tax Increment Financing District. Copies of the proposed credit enhancement agreements are on file with the City of Sanford Airport office at 9 Presidential Lane, Sanford, ME 04073 and can be viewed on-line at They can also be obtained by calling (207) 324-3172 during normal business hours and requesting that a copy be mailed to you. All interested persons are invited to participate in these three public hearings and will be given an opportunity to be heard.

The Sanford City Council will hold these public hearings in person at City Hall Chambers at the address stated above unless there is an emergency due to the U.S. CDC Community Transmission levels for SARS-CoV-2 Rates as mapped by County Level reaching “Substantial” or “High” for York County, Maine, in which case the the public hearings will be held remotely using Zoom. Virtual meetings are allowed pursuant to 1 M.R.S. §403-B and Section 6-B of the City of Sanford City Council Rules and Order of Business.

Instructions for joining the meeting are found on the City’s website at

Public comments will be taken at the meeting and written comments should be submitted to Written comments will be accepted until Noon on November 15, 2021.

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