by Springvale Library Staff
There will be no Book Group, Cook the Book or Teen Tag during the month of July. These programs will return in August.
Legacy Lane Farm Petting Zoo will be on the library lawn on Friday, July 15th from 3:00-4:00 pm. In some countries, having a goat can save a village. Enjoy meeting and petting a few goats, sheep, ducks, and rabbits. This program is generously sponsored by the Giancola Family Charitable Fund.
Music on the Patio is happening every Friday at noon. We have many favorites returning along with some new faces joining us. Bring a chair, a bagged lunch, and enjoy an hour of music! This series is brought to you in part by the Sanford Springvale Chamber of Commerce and many local businesses.
Would you be interested in doing some gardening for the Library? We are offering a chance to “Adopt a Spot” for taking care of the library grounds. Come by and talk to Lesley about volunteering.
We’ve taken a new spin on our Summer Reading Program than the rest of the State. Peace Starts at Home is about understanding other people, places, religions, and cultures. This is an especially timely theme this year. It’s a way to understand diversity in our world community, outside of our small rural one. It’s a way to find compassion by learning about topics like the history of colonialism and racism toward Maine’s Native Americans. In August, we will have a professor of genocide studies talk about how genocides happen. His research is focused on Eastern Europe. Understanding and learning is key to growth and we’re here to grow with you.
Adult Craft of the month: Mandalas date back to 100 BCE in Tibetan Buddhism. One of the practices is mediation. The geometric patterns lull us into a place of peace and serenity. Instead of colored sand carefully blown by Buddhist monks, we have scratch mandalas for you. Start at the middle and follow the repeating patterns to get to that place of relaxation. Lesley will be on Facebook on July 14th at 6:00 pm to demonstrate.
In this year’s community service portion of the children’s summer reading program, kiddos will be reading to fill our Acrylite tube with globes. When the globes are at the top, we will donate a book for a Ukrainian child. Kids can make a difference too!
To go along with our summer theme, we will have Read it & Eat It Thursdays (7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28) at 2:00 pm. Come hear a story from around the world and then try a treat from the country or culture in the story. For Ages 5-12. Please contact Sheila by email at before the day of the program if allergies are a concern.
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