The Sanford Sewerage District issued the following statement on July 7, 2022:
Due to the Maine State Legislature passing LD 1911, the Sanford Sewerage District (SSD) will be faced with a significant increase in expenses starting in 2023, associated with new sludge disposal laws and regulations. The new law mandates that all biosolids be disposed of in a state-approved landfill as a way to contain the poly-perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) or more widely known as “forever chemicals.” Unfortunately, these landfills are located at some distance from our community, therefore transportation will be part of the increased expenses as well as the tipping fee.
Over the years, the Sanford Sewerage District has utilized many alternative ways of disposing sludge that reduces the costs on our rate payers. We are currently seeking the landfill that offers the District the best available pricing for tipping fees. However, the significant increases in costs brought on by this new law will require the district to raise our rates for our services. We intend to hold a public hearing on this matter sometime in October. Please do not hesitate to contact the Superintendent if you have any further questions.
Visit the SSD’s website for contact info.
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