by the Friends of Downtown
There was some great competition among the 42 businesses and organizations that participated with scarecrows. We were blown away by all the creative entries. In the end, the judges declared a tie for first place, between the Oldtimers’ Shop’s rocking chair knitter and the Sanford Police Department’s selfie-ready display, pictured above. Second place went to the Sanford-Springvale YMCA, Rivers Run Hair Studio came in third, and fourth place went to Partners Bank. Fabulous job, everyone!
We received about 100 submissions to our Selfies With Sanford Scarecrows event and loved every one of them. Ten random winners were chosen to receive fun and uniquely Sanford prizes! Here is the list of our winners and the great folks who donated them!
This event will definitely be back next year! In the meantime, we are busy planning for the Holly Daze festivities. See you around, downtown!
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