School Notes

School Notes

Students enjoy some outside time during Vacation Camp, a program offered by Sanford Parks and Recreation.

Photo: Sanford Parks and Recreation

Compiled by Carolyn Cadigan

Fun and games during school vacation: April Vacation Camp with Sanford Parks and Recreation is open for registration. The camp, to be held April 15 – 19 at Memorial Gym for children in kindergarten through grade six, costs $150 for residents and $200 for non-residents. FMI and to register, go here.

Pre-K Registration Lottery is open: The Sanford Public Schools Pre-K program for the next school year is open through March 15. Sanford and Springvale families with children aged 4 on or before Oct. 15 and not of kindergarten age are eligible. Children who are age 5 by Oct. 15 and not enrolled in Sanford’s Pre-K Program can enroll in kindergarten by calling one of the elementary schools. The Pre-K program is free and will include free breakfast, lunch and transportation. FMI, go here.

Save the date: St. Thomas School announced their 40th Annual Spring Fever Fair will take place April 28, 9 am to 3 pm, at Memorial Gym.

Staff meal deliveries teach social skills: Sanford Middle School has found a creative way to encourage community spirit while teaching cooking to Life Skills students: staff meal deliveries. Together, students and staff collaborate to plan the meals, brainstorm ideas, choose recipes and make a list of ingredients. Each Friday the staff is informed about the upcoming week’s menu. The goal of the program is to help teach students valuable life skills. Students have benefited by eagerly moving around the building and offering meals while learning manners and social skills. Staff meal deliveries will continue through the school year and restart in the fall.

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