School Notes

School Notes

Compiled by Carolyn Cadigan

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you: In her debut article for The Spartan Times, writer Lexi Hayward sat down for a conversation with Tracy Gibson, the new principal at Sanford High School. Gibson, who started out years ago as a classroom teacher in Sanford, discusses her career, family, interests, and goals for the school year. Read the full story here.

Free, nutritious food to help students fill the meal gap: Spart Mart, the free food market for Sanford High School students, is back. The market is open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 pm to 3:30 pm for students to select nutritious food to take home.

YMCA suspends Wednesday Teen Drop-in: To keep its program safe, effective and responsible to all participants, the Sanford-Springvale YMCA announced that there will be no Wednesday afternoon Teen Drop-in until further notice. FMI, call 207-324-4942.

Be in the know with the school district’s mobile app: To stay informed with news and updates from the Sanford School Department, download the school district’s mobile app. Users can choose the school(s) they want to get notifications from and access the live feed, see sports schedules, check out the dining menu, access important documents, receive emergency notifications, and more. To get the app, search for Sanford School Department, ME, in your app store.

fruits and veggies
Photo: Jasmine Lin via Pixabay

USDA grant provides fruit and veggie snacks to elementary kids: Sanford’s three elementary schools were awarded a Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program (FFVP) USDA grant for the current school year. The grant is administered through the Maine Department of Education and coordinated by the Sanford School Nutrition Program. A free fresh fruit or vegetable snack will be served outside of meal times to all students at Carl J. Lamb, Margaret Chase Smith, and Sanford Pride elementary schools every day. The program introduces students to a variety of produce that they otherwise might not have the opportunity to sample. Children will be encouraged to try the fruit or vegetable snack each day. The program aims to create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices; expand the variety of fruits and vegetables that students experience; increase student fruit and vegetable consumption; and improve students’ diets to impact their present and future health.

They’re leavin’ on a jet plane: Sanford High School (SHS) students in the Class of 2026 learned from their Abroad Advisor, Kelly Foley, that their senior trip would take them to Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, and London during February break of their senior year. This will be the fourth trip SHS Abroad has launched. In the first year, 72 students went to Italy. The second year, students traveled to Greece. This year, students in the Class of 2025 will go to France. To learn more about the trip, parents and guardians of interested Class of 2026 students must RSVP to attend the parent information meeting to be held Sept. 23 at 6 pm in the Performing Arts Center. A parent or guardian must accompany an interested student traveler to the meeting. For the full story, go here.

Let the spotlight shine on you: The Sanford School Department is starting a new Alumni Spotlight for the district’s newsletter and social media. If you’re an alumni who has made strides in your career, contributed to your community, or achieved a personal milestone, the department wants to hear from you. Selected spotlights will be featured on the department’s social media channels and district newsletter. To be considered for an Alumni Spotlight feature, fill out the form here.

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