Sanford Community Adult Education News

Sanford Community Adult Education News

by Lisa Blanchette, SCAE Operations Manager

SCAE Students are on the move and so are we!

It is always exciting when we run into a former graduate or they stop by to tell us what they are up to. This past week we saw a student who is applying to college to become a teacher, recently a couple of grads popped in to let us know they are pursuing careers in the trades (plumbing and welding), and while out and about I ran into another prior student who is enrolled in a nursing program.

SCAE also has some exciting news, we are on the move too, a physical move that is. We are leaving the Anderson Learning Center in Springvale (our home for the past 14 years) and we will be moving to the Willard Building at 668 Main Street Sanford. A building with a very long and distinguished history, and we are very pleased to be the next chapter of that history. We will have our offices, common spaces, and several classrooms on the main floor (known as the B floor) and we will have additional classrooms and spaces on the A floor. We will not be alone in our move; the Sanford BRIDGE program will also be coming along and they will be housed on the C floor.

SCAE continues to take pride in offering a full slate of academic and enrichment courses as well as student support services. Our fall academic term will begin on September 7th at our new location.

Check out our brochure that will be mailed out next month or check out our website now for our exciting fall enrichment classes.

You can continue to reach us by calling 207-490-5145, emailing us at, texting us at 312-8767-7223, or visiting our website We look forward to seeing you at our new location. Watch for information about our fall Open House.

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