Photo: WSSR TV
By Kendra Williams
The Sanford City Council had a busy agenda on Tuesday, 3/18/25. Members of the council reported on Public Safety, Land Bank, Public Works and the Fire Station workgroup sub-committee meetings.
City Manager Steve Buck gave an update of legislative activities that relate to Sanford and complimented our representatives on their advocacy for our community.
Alison Navia, airport manager, notified the council that there would be an aerobatic practice of the New England Aerobatic Club Chapter 35 at the Sanford Seacoast Regional Airport on Saturday, April 26 from 10 am to 5 pm. It will take place in the long-term aerobatic practice area approved by the Council in 2023 with the authorization for these events delegated to the city manager. If members of the public would like to watch the practice, they may do so by going to the ballfields at the end of Baker Lane. The aircraft will be visible over the treeline to the east.
Public Hearings
The Council held a joint public hearing to discuss the proposed fiscal year 2025/26 municipal and school budgets and to take public comment. Sherry Baron, Sanford resident, parent of a student and CJL School Principal was the sole person to comment. She spoke in favor of the school budget proposal. She said elimination of support staff in previous years has “rippled through the system and that further cuts would impact some of our most vulnerable students.” She asked that the school budget be accepted as it stands.
Members of the public may also submit comments via the City of Sanford website at
A public hearing was held on proposed ordinance amendments to the airport development zone. City Planner Erin Moriarty reviewed and explained the proposed changes which would expedite the technical site plan review for all development within the controlled access area of the airport. There was no comment either in favor or opposed. The first of two required readings to adopt the proposed amendments occurred later in the meeting.
A preliminary public hearing with the Maine Department of Transportation was held.Representatives from Sewell and Viewshed presented an overview of the proposed South Sanford Planning Partnership Initiative study. The purpose of the study is to develop safety and mobility improvements for pedestrians and bicyclists given the significant new development in South Sanford and the roundabout. The study area starts on Main Street at Mayflower Drive and continues to Patriots Lane. It also includes Route 4 from Country Club Road 1 to the roundabout and continues on route 4 to School Street and Gavel Road. It will be jointly funded by the city and DOT.
Members of the public and councilors were given the opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions for the study as it proceeds. The DOT is also seeking input and encouraging residents to complete a survey by going to
A license renewal request for Waypoint Maine for a fundraising event on June 7 was approved. Also approved was an off premises catering permit for Pilots Cove LLC for Sanford Mainers baseball games at Goodall Park in June and July.
City Manager Buck was authorized to finalize and implement an agreement with Ecomaine for a 30-year term for a solid waste and recycling management program. Sanford will become a participating municipality with ownership in the corporation of Ecomaine including voting privileges.
The Council voted to receive from the city treasurer five tax acquired properties due to the nonpayment of 2021/2022 real estate tax liens. The five acquired properties are located at 30 North St., 16 Andrew Ave., 299 Alfred St., 12 Marshwood Crossing and 58 Pleasant St. in Springvale.
Proposed rental fees and user group fees for the Memorial Gym were presented by Director of Parks and Recreation Brady Lloyd. It was tabled due to some needed clarifications.
Jennifer Parks was appointed to the Sanford Arts Commission for a three-year term.
The full meeting can be viewed here
Note: Previous school and city budget meetings may also be viewed by going to
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