ReinCorp to Build Downtown Apartment Complex

On September 15, the Sanford Planning Board gave preliminary approval to ReinCorp of Springvale to construct Central Park Residences, a 30-unit apartment complex at the corner of School and Bodwell Sts., in the heart of downtown.

The 30 market-rate apartments will all be one-bedroom units, and will be marketed to seniors as well as young professionals. The complex will include two 12-unit buildings, and one 6-unit. The Design Review Committee gave the project a very favorable recommendation.

Jim Nimon, Director of the Sanford Regional Economic Growth Council, said he is really excited about this project, which will fill in the “missing teeth” in the downtown. He said the target demographic will bring disposable income to Sanford.

Mary Hastings, speaking on behalf of the Friends of Downtown, agreed. She said the group is very happy the project is being undertaken by a local developer with a great track record, and hopes it will spark further development.

ReinCorp plans to break ground in the spring.

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