Planning Update May 2024

Planning Update May 2024

Solar Project Map

Credit: City of Sanford

By Kendra Williams

Townhouse Solar: At its May 15 meeting, the Planning Board voted unanimously to table an application to amend plans for a solar power generation facility being developed by Townhouse Properties on Hanson Ridge Road and Angola Street. The plan now calls for a reduced footprint for the solar array. The board received and read into the record letters from three abutters who had objections to the project’s size and appearance. Board members expressed concerns that the required 50-foot buffer has been erased by trees cut down along Hanson Ridge Road. They requested a better landscape plan to replace the buffer and added another buffer on the east end of the solar farm. They said stormwater issues also need to be corrected to the satisfaction of the assistant city engineer.

Nasson Redevelopment Phase II: Also on May 15, the board unanimously granted an extension of a preliminary subdivision approval originally granted last November for an 18-unit multi-family building to be added to the site of the former Nasson College buildings at 16 Summer St. in Springvale, site of the school’s long-ago Upper Division.

16 West Elm St: The board approved an application by Coldfire Properties LLC for a density bonus for a third dwelling unit to the rear of a principal structure. The application had been tabled at the board’s May 1 meeting until the applicant could speak to the fire chief and come to an agreement on access.

Excavation contracting businesses: At its May 1 meeting, the board was divided on a zoning ordinance amendment to allow excavation contracting businesses as a conditional use in the rural residential and rural mixed-use zones. Four board members voted in favor and two against passing the proposal to the City Council for approval.

19 Bodwell St LLC: An amended application to construct one multi-family building with eight dwelling units and one single family building was approved May 1. The property at 19 Bodwell St. is currently owned by the City of Sanford.

Manufactured housing: The board learned that a new Maine law allows manufactured housing units to be placed on individual lots anywhere single-family housing is allowed use. A mobile home is considered a manufactured house for this ordinance change. The Planning and Codes departments as well as the Planning Board will collaborate to refine this ordinance amendment.

Whispering Pines: At its May 14 meeting, the Site Plan Review Committee considered an application for a minor site plan and preliminary subdivision to construct a two-story, multi-family building with 16 dwelling units on property owned by Scarborough Woods LLC and located at 1749 Main St. in South Sanford, across from Marc Motors. Although some clarifications and updates to the site plan are needed, the committee unanimously agreed to send it to the Planning Board.

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