Complete List of Candidates for Municipal Election

City Mayor - Two Year Term - VOTE FOR ONE DiGregorio, Victor E.Lanigan, Lucas JohnMastraccio, Anne Marie City Council Member - Three Year Term - VOTE FOR TWO Mohr, John P.Martell, Jonathan L.Hanslip, Joseph RobertHerlihy, Maura AnnTaylor, Nicholas J. School Committee Member - Three Year Term - VOTE FOR TWO Sheffield, Emily A.Sevigny, Amy TurgeonCote, Paula T. Trustee, Sanford Water District - Three Year Term - VOTE FOR ONE Cote, Roland AlbertParker, Shawn B. Trustee, Sanford Sewerage District - Three…

High School & SRTC Start Date Delayed

by Matt Nelson, Superintendent of Sanford School District Good afternoon.  The Mills Administration today released a special update to its Health Advisory System that classifies counties’ relative risk of COVID-19 transmission by color. The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) re-categorized York County from green to yellow due to increases in the number of cases per capita, a positivity rate three times above the state average and five new outbreaks…

Important Information About Absentee Voting

by Sue Cote, Registrar of Voters, City of Sanford Everything should be ready to begin absentee balloting on or soon after Monday, October 5, contingent on receipt of ballots from the printer. Our office has already taken more than 2,000 absentee ballot requests from registered voters who have requested them to be mailed. Registered voters may continue to request an absentee ballot, right up until 5:00 p.m. on October 30, the Friday before election day. I plan to order 11,000…

Inquiry Into Jail Outbreak Announced

York County Manager Gregory Zinser announced on Thursday, September 3 that there will be an inquiry by an independent third party into the circumstances that led to the outbreak of Covid-19 among staff and inmates at the York County Jail. The decision as to who will lead the inquiry has not been finalized, but he expected to be able to provide that information "within a day or two." In a Zoom call with reporters, Mr. Zinser confirmed that Covid-19 safety…

School Reopening Notes: September 3

Bus routes for Sanford Middle School, High School and Bridge students have been posted on the School Department's website here. Bus routes for elementary school students will be posted early next week. The School Department is encouraging parents to provide transportation for their students whenever possible.  If you have any questions about transportation, call your child's school or Ledgmere at 324-4888.  Sanford's school nurses have released important health information for parents related to the opening of school, which includes the…

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