City Council 12/8 Meeting Summary

At the City Council’s regular meeting on December 8, the following items were presented or discussed: Mayor Tom Cote began the meeting by giving a shout out to Mr. and Mrs. Claus, Councilors Ayn Hanselmann and Luke Lanigan, the Sanford Police and Fire Departments, Public Works and Parks and Rec, for the Christmas tree lighting at Central Park, and to Sarah Schnell and WSSR-TV for the great video of the event.City Manager Steven Buck gave an update on the Covid-19…

Recapping a Banner Year for Road Construction

At the December 8 City Council meeting, Public Works Director Matt Hill gave a detailed recap of the 2020 road construction projects in Sanford and Springvale, which were paid for by the $6.2 million bond voters approved in November 2019. He also spoke about the department’s plans for 2021 and goals for the future. Witcher’s Mill Road came in at a little over budget, as there were areas that needed some stabilization in addition to the planned overlay.Stanley Road and…

Sanford Police Log Digest: December 1-7

DateTimeLocationCall ReasonAction12/110:40aMain St.Drug incidentsServices rendered12/111:39aWhitman St.VandalismInvestigated12/13:14pCottage St.Violation of POReport taken12/22:03aWestview Dr.Burglar alarmInvestigated12/27:15aTwombley Rd.M/V accidentReport taken12/212:13pSchool St.Domestic disturbanceArrested Tanner Jump of Sanford: Domestic violence assault12/21:09pMain St.DisturbanceSummonsed Matthew Glen Howell of Sanford: Criminal trespass, violating condition of release12/26:38pAngola St.GraffitiReport taken12/310:49aMain St.M/V accident – property damageServices rendered12/35:26pRailroad Ave. & Pleasant St. SpringvaleM/V accident - w/SFD, EMSReport taken12/43:05aMain St. SpringvaleBurglary in progressInvestigated12/45:56aGrammar Rd.M/V stopSummonsed John M. Blais of Sanford: Operate while license suspended or revoked, prior12/41:26pBates St.HarassmentServices rendered12/44:30pMain St.M/V accident - w/SFD, EMSReport taken12/44:35pMill…

Sanford Stand Down for Homeless Vets

Press Release On Tuesday, December 15th, the Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services (MBVS) and their community partners will hold a Stand Down for homeless veterans in need of assistance.  The Stand Down will be held at the Sanford Vet Center, which is located at 628 Main Street in Springvale from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Veterans who are currently homeless or who are on the brink of homelessness will be provided connection to the Veterans Administration, community services, clothes, food,…

School Committee 12/7 Meeting Summary

At the School Committee's regular meeting on December 7, the following items were among those presented or discussed: In his report on school construction issues, Superintendent of Schools Matt Nelson said the HVAC equipment supplier for Sanford High School/SRTC will be on site this week to determine why some units are tripping during cold weather, and how to address the issue. They will send a report of their findings. After the recent storm, roof leaks were also noted. It's being…

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