News Notes: July 25, 2021

Infrastructure Update: The Sanford Water District has completed its upgrades on Railroad Avenue, and would like to thank the residents there for their patience and understanding while the District renewed services and valve boxes in preparation for the reconstruction of the road. Next week the City of Sanford will be grinding and grading the road, so please try to avoid it as traffic will be impacted. In another week or two the Water District will be moving its crew onto…

Fr. Auger to Celebrate 65th Anniversary of Ordination

From the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland Fr. Raymond Auger will celebrate the 65th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood during a special Mass at Holy Family Church, located on 66 North Avenue in Sanford, on Sunday, August 1, at 9 a.m. All are welcome, and the Mass will also be livestreamed. Born in Biddeford in 1929, Fr. Auger attended St. Joseph’s Grammar School and St. Louis High School, both in his hometown. Following his high school graduation, he attended Saint…

This Week’s Public & Legal Notices: July 23

6 PROULX COURT, NOTICE OF DANGEROUS BUILDING HEARING. On August 3, 2021 at 6:00 PM in City Hall, 919 Main Street, the City of Sanford, Maine, City Council will hold a hearing to determine whether 6 Proulx Ct, identified as Tax Map K15, Lot 36, and further described in a Deed recorded in the York County Registry of Deeds, Book 16467, Page 367 and Mortgages recorded at Book 14601, Page 434 and Book 15191, Page 90, is a dangerous building…

City Council 7/20 Meeting Summary

On Tuesday, July 20, the Sanford City Council met in person for the first time since the pandemic began fourteen months ago. The Council Chambers in City Hall has been newly fitted with three large video screens as part of the effort to integrate remote participation in the meetings. The public may connect via Zoom and be seen and heard on the screens. The volume on the Councilors' microphones had to be increased a few times, but otherwise the system…

News Notes: July 22

The 6th Annual Springvale Farm Walk, happening Sunday, July 25, will give you an opportunity to visit some places and farms you might not normally get to see. Mousam Way's American Chestnut Plantation is one of them. Last week, volunteers from the Sanford/Springvale Mousam Way Land Trust (pictured above) spent the morning clearing the area around the American Chestnut Plantation under the expert guidance of Dr. Bud Johnston, so that everyone who participates in the Farm Walk will get to…

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