Library Corner: Goodall

Wednesday, August 4 at 5:00 p.m., enjoy a summer evening at the Goodall Library for a reading and book signing of Why Longfellow Lied. Paul Revere's daring midnight ride made him an instant celebrity, right? Wrong! Author Jeff Lantos pulls apart Longfellow's famous poem Paul Revere's Ride to unravel how and why he twisted historical facts. Wine, cheese and crackers will be served. Co-sponsored by the Sanford-Springvale Chamber of Commerce. New Books Adult Fiction: The Diabolical Bones by Bella Ellis:…

News Notes: July 29

Sanford's own Maine Attraction Water Ski Show Team (pictured above) won first place at the Eastern Region Water Ski Tournament held at Number One Pond last weekend with an amazing performance. Watch NewsCenter Maine's video about the team: In singles competition, Maine Attraction's Peter Hegarty won the freestyle jumping title. He will be competing in next year's World Tournament as a member of the USA Water Ski Show Team. Eric Small, who has been serving for the past several…

School Notes

Project Graduation 2022's fall fundraiser is in full swing. They are offering fall mums in 9" pots for $10 each through Estabrook's. Color choices are Bronze/Orange, Lavender/Pink, Red/Maroon, White and Yellow. Order now for best color selection. Plants will be available for pickup on Saturday, September 18 at Sanford High School. If you prefer not to order online, you can also call (207) 608-9601. Leave a message if no answer, and someone will get back to you to work out a cash/check…

School Committee Emergency Meeting

Sanford’s School Committee held an emergency meeting on July 26 to vote to accept a federal grant which couldn’t wait until the next regular meeting in September. The Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant Program, which actually predates the Covid-19 pandemic, offers assistance to rural school districts in a partnership arrangement. The larger districts provide some matching funds, which allows the smaller districts to also benefit. The program is administered through USDA Rural Development. The full amount of this phase of…

Welcome Home Diner Opening August 4

Sanford's newest restaurant will debut on Wednesday, August 4, when the Welcome Home Diner opens its doors at 6 Lebanon St., in the building once occupied by Jerry's Diner (and Cindy's Too). Welcome Home Diner will serve breakfast and lunch from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday. They plan to expand to evening service in the future as staffing allows. Mike Grenier purchased the property a year ago as an investment. At the time, it was occupied by…

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