Spartans Home Games Schedule

Wednesday, December 8 Boys 7th Grade Basketball vs. Kennebunk, 3:30 p.m. at Sanford Middle SchoolBoys 8th Grade Basketball vs. Kennebunk, 4:45 p.m. at SMS Friday, December 10 Girls JV Basketball vs. Scarborough, 4:30 p.m. at Sanford High School Partners Bank Competition GymGirls Varsity Basketball vs. Scarborough, 6:00 p.m. at SHS Partners Bank Competition GymGirls Ice Hockey (Biddeford/Thornton/Wells/Sanford) vs. Mt. Ararat/Lisbon/Morse/Lincoln, 8:00 p.m. at Biddeford Ice Arena Saturday, December 11 Boys Varsity Ice Hockey (Marshwood/Traip/Sanford/Noble) vs. Gorham, 5:00 p.m. at Dover…

This Week’s Public & Legal Notices

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Sanford Sewerage District Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on December 13, 2021 at 5:00pm regarding the enactment of a policy entitled, “Policy Regarding Lien Foreclosure and Foreclosed Property” pursuant to 38 MRSA chapter 11, & 36 MRSA §§ 941,946-b, and section 13 of the Charter of the Sanford Sewerage District. The hearing will be held at the District’s office located at 281 River St., Springvale. Questions should be directed to the Superintendent at 324-5313…

Winter Parking Bans: All You Need to Know

When the flakes start to fall, the Public Works Department (NOT the Police Department) has to make a decision whether to declare a snow emergency. To find out if a snow emergency has been declared, check the City's Facebook page and website, check local news outlets, or call the Public Works Department at 324-9135. If a snow emergency/parking ban is announced and then it doesn't actually snow, you will not be ticketed or towed UNLESS you are parked on certain…

City Boards and Committees Need You!

It's that time again when the City looks to fill open seats on boards and committees. Without these volunteers, the City would not be able to function. Please consider giving an occasional few hours of your time to keep Sanford running smoothly. The Airport Advisory Committee has three openings: two each for a 3-year term for a York County resident who may or may not hold a pilot’s certificate, and one (1) to fill an unexpired term ending 12/31/22 for…

News Notes: December 5, 2021

The Sanford Schools Legacy Foundation is currently raising funds for the Brian Flanagan Memorial Pole Vault Shed at Sanford High School. To learn more about Coach Flanagan and the project, read their latest newsletter here. Vacation Day Camp is a program for school age children run by Sanford Parks and Recreation and held at the Memorial Gym on Main St. This year's December Vacation Camp runs weekdays from Thursday, December 23 through Friday, December 31. Campers are kept safe and busy with a…

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