York County Senior College Announces Spring 2022 Courses

Press Release York County Senior College (YCSC) is pleased to announce our Spring 2022 course line-up! As you review this listing, we ask - if you have a love of continued learning, teaching, organization, and have an extra few hours you are willing to donate, be part of our team - consider volunteering with York County Senior College. We need assistance with IT, Curriculum and PR. Email us at: info@yorkcountyseniorcollege.org. We'd love to hear from you! Course registrations open on…

Maker’s Way Studio…Where Creativity Begins

You may not have noticed it, tucked away near the corner of the Midtown Mall parking lot next to Aroma Joe’s, but a new retail shop has opened in Sanford to serve the crafting community. The space was formerly home to Alpha PRC and before that, Taylor's Jewelry store. It’s called Maker’s Way Studio and is the result of years of planning and dreaming by owner Mellacent (Melly) Thibault, a Sanford resident and mom of a large family. When her…

School Committee March 7 Meeting Summary

The Sanford School Committee met March 7, 2022. The start of the meeting was delayed due to a student hearing held prior during executive session. All members were present. Communications Chair Paula Cote said an email was received from Sarah Ouellette, who wrote that she would like to have face masks be optional in schools. There were no other communications or public participation. Social Workers Presentation Several of the district’s social workers gave a presentation on their work. Gayle Fallon…

Good News From Sanford Schools: March 9, 2022

Compiled from staff reports and Facebook posts Sanford High School The Sanford High School Jazz Ensemble (pictured above) had the opportunity to perform at two jazz festivals in February! They traveled to South Portland High for the District 1 festival, as well as to Westbrook Middle School for the MBDA jazz festival. This week the Winter Guard, Winter Percussion, Jazz Ensemble, and Concert Band are all performing in the Instrumental Showcase in the SHS Competition Gym. Sanford Regional Technical Center…

Budget Committee Hears Details of Proposed City Budget

Municipal Revenue Sharing from the State Expected to Rise Sharply The City’s Budget Committee met for the first time this year on March 3, 2022. The Committee includes four citizen members – Wesley Davie, who was elected Chair; Aimee Garneau, elected Vice Chair; Lindsay Quinn, elected Secretary; and Melissa Alipalo. Deputy Mayor Maura Herlihy and City Councilors Robert Stackpole and Ayn Hanselmann are also members. City Manager Steve Buck presented his recommended 2022-23 budget, which he presented to the City…

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