People Around Town: April 17, 2022

Southern Maine Veterans Cemetery in Springvale had some special visitors on Friday. Preston Sharp of California (pictured below) has been traveling around the country to honor the service of veterans in each state and to speak their names out loud, to keep their memories alive. Maine marks the 43rd state he has visited. He was joined by volunteers from Southern Maine Veteran Cemetery Association, United States Veteran Reserve Corp, and Rolling Thunder. They laid flags and flowers for headstones across the…

News Notes: April 17, 2022

This week the Sanford Water District replaced water services on Prescott St. and Shaw St. as part of the City’s West Side Village project. The water services were older copper pipes with flared fittings, most installed roughly 90 years ago. Replacement of the older water services will help to prevent any leaks, minimize water loss, and allow them to place the curb box in a proper location on the newly reconstructed road. After their work is completed on these streets,…

Great Bay Services Member Volunteers Win Governor’s Service Award

Great Bay Services member volunteers have been selected to receive the Governor's Service Award for Outstanding Volunteer Team. This is an outstanding honor for over 30 individuals who participate in the GBS Community Support Program and volunteer hundreds of hours in the community. This honor also highlights the volunteer program offered at the GBS Community Support Program. The GBS Volunteer Program actively works to create, organize, and facilitate volunteer experiences in the community for its members. GBS members volunteer in…

Spartans Home Games Schedule: April 18-23, 2022

Tuesday, April 19 Girls Varsity Lacrosse vs. Traip Academy, 11:00 a.m. at SHS Alumni StadiumGirls JV Lacrosse vs. Traip Academy, 12:15 p.m. at Alumni Stadium Wednesday, April 20 Boys Varsity Lacrosse vs. Noble, 4:30 p.m. at Alumni StadiumBoys JV Lacrosse vs. Noble, 6:15 p.m. at Alumni Stadium Thursday, April 21 Girls Varsity Lacrosse vs. South Portland, 4:30 p.m. at Alumni StadiumGirls JV Lacrosse vs. South Portland, 6:00 p.m. at Alumni Stadium Friday, April 22 JV Baseball vs. Gorham, 11:00 a.m.…

Charter Review Committee Will Recommend Expanding Budget Committee

At its meeting on April 11, 2022, the Charter Review Committee discussed some key issues with regard to the budget, namely: Should the City continue to have a Budget Committee, or eliminate it?If the Budget Committee is retained, what should its makeup be?Should the public’s right to vote on the Municipal side of the budget be reinstated? After lengthy discussion, a majority of the Committee members expressed support for retaining the Budget Committee, but with some changes. The Budget Committee…

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