School Notes: November 27, 2022

The Sanford School Committee voted on November 21 to institute a five-block schedule at SHS/SRTC to begin in the 2023-24 school year. The new schedule will include freshmen teaming/seminar, AP classes every other day, and electives for all students of all levels, including enrichments. The decision followed a lengthy review process and multiple opportunities for public comment. The SHS/SRTC Student Peer Helpers (pictured above) got help from the Maine Army National Guard in readying their Thanksgiving baskets for families in…

News Notes & People Around Town: November 27, 2022

Wreaths Across America: On November 21, Rolling Thunder Chapter 1 Maine announced that they were far short of the number of wreaths needed to decorate every veteran’s grave at the Southern Maine Veterans Cemetery this year, so they were instead going to put large wreaths at the section markers and monument locations. The Sanford business community immediately stepped up, and thanks to generous donations from Steve Cabana, Partners Bank, Town Square Realty, Sanford Flooring, Marc Motors, Cabana’s Auto Body and…

Habitat for Humanity Building Homes in Sanford

Press Release Habitat for Humanity York County will be building multiple homes in Sanford beginning in spring 2023. Habitat currently owns three parcels of land, purchased from the City of Sanford, that will support a minimum of five units. Habitat is excited to be working on infill lots to transform what was once a neighborhood liability into an affordable homeownership opportunity. Habitat anticipates opening the application process for a three-bedroom home in January 2023. The agency partners with York County…

Spartans Home Games Schedule: November 28 – December 4, 2022

Monday, November 28 3:30pm: Basketball: Girls 7th Grade vs. Bonny Eagle at Sanford Middle School 4:45pm: Basketball: Girls 8th Grade vs. Bonny Eagle at SMS 6:00pm: Basketball: Girls Varsity Scrimmage vs. Lewiston at Sanford High School Partners Bank Competition Gym Tuesday, November 29 6:00pm: Basketball: Boys Varsity Scrimmage vs. Lewiston at SHS Partners Bank Competition Gym Wednesday, November 30 3:15pm: Ice Hockey: Girls Varsity (Biddeford/Thornton/Wells/Sanford) vs. York at Biddeford Ice Arena 4:00pm: Basketball: Girls 7th Grade vs. Saco at SMS…

Sign Posts at McKeon Environmental Reserve

by Kevin McKeon, Master Maine Naturalist If we go down this path, where do we end up? Does this trail go to the Rail Trail? I’d like to walk around here, but there’s no signs! Trailhead signpost with map These questions will become rare at the McKeon Environmental Reserve in Springvale.  Mousam Way Land Trust has installed trail sign posts at all trail intersections, and trees have been painted with bright red circles along the Reserve’s 2 ½ miles of…

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