Community Calendar: June 12-June 18, 2023 

Windy Ridge Lane - Terry Jellerson Monday, June 12 MCS-Kindergarten Screening, “all day”, Margaret Chase Smith School, 248 Twombley RoadA Family for ME, noon or 6pm, Live, virtual foster Care/Adoption Q&A session, presented via ZoomYork County Budget Committee Public Hearing, 4pm, York County Government Building, 149 Jordan Spring Road, AlfredSanford School Committee, 6-9pm, Sanford City Chambers, 919 Main StreetSanford Mainers, Schools Out for Summer! Mainers vs. Upper Valley Nighthawks, 6:30pm, Goodall Park, 32 Roberts Street Tuesday, June 13 Sanford School…

Senior Property Tax Stabilization program

In his report to the City Council on June 6, 2023, City Manager Steve Buck explained changes that are happening regarding the Senior Property Tax Stabilization program. This program was announced last fall and hundreds of Sanford taxpayers signed up.  The Stabilization program will now operate as originally proposed only for the first year. The original design of the program allowed any permanent Maine resident at least 65 years old, who has owned a qualified homestead for at least ten…

School Committee 6/5/23 Meeting Summary 

The School Committee met June 5, 2023. Chairperson Paula Cote and Vice Chairperson Amy Sevigny were absent due to family commitments.  Jennifer Davie served as Chairperson.   The minutes of previous meetings, workshops and executive sessions were approved.  There were no public comments and no communications.  Naming Rights  The Sanford Schools Legacy Foundation requested approval of naming rights for the baseball practice field on Alumni Boulevard and a chemistry lab in honor of John Cochin. Mr. Cochin had a lengthy career…

City Council Makes Changes to Rules of Procedure 

At its meeting on June 6, 2023, the Sanford City Council voted unanimously to adopt several changes to its Rules and Order of Business, commonly called the Rules of Procedure. The changes include the following:  All references to the Budget Committee were removed. (Elimination of the Budget Committee was approved by voters last year.)  Wording was changed to reflect that the Council meets twice per month rather than every two weeks.  The requirement that televised business meetings of the Council…

City Council Meeting Summary: June 6, 2023

Members of the Sanford Police Department’s Mental Health Unit at the Maine Police Chief’s Association Awards Banquet. L to R: OPTIONS Clinician Lacey Bailey, Acting Sgt. Colleen Adams, MHU First Responder Shannon Bentley, Ofc. Mike Gordon.  The Sanford City Council met June 6, 2023. Councilor Bob Stackpole was absent with notice. All other members were present.  There was no Mayor’s Report.  City Manager’s Report  Legislative Update: City Manager Steve Buck gave an update on the state budget and other legislation…

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