City and School Department seek input

Photo by Terry Jellerson Community members are invited to complete separate surveys from the Sanford School Department and City of Sanford.The school department’s survey is the first step in updating its mission, vision and core values.The information received will help a planning committee develop a draft that will be shared for additional feedback from stakeholders. The survey will be available until June 30.Link- City of Sanford’s survey is to gain insights into residents' preferred communication channels and content. Responses…

New bus service to start July 1

Sanford will soon get a new bus service connecting to Kennebunk and Biddeford. Biddeford Saco Old Orchard Beach Transit plans three daily runs, including weekends, starting July 1. Pick up is at School Street with the bus traveling down Route 99 to Route 1, Kennebunk, then to downtown Biddeford. The service is made possible through a partnership between the transit service and Kennebunk-Kennebunkport-Arundel Chamber of Commerce and a grant from Maine Department of Transportation Workforce Transportation Grant Program. click here…

City Council 6/20 Meeting Summary

The Alexson’s Cleaners building, formerly located at 46 High St. Photo credit: Google (2018). The Sanford City Council met June 20, 2023. The meeting started 45 minutes late due to an executive session held beforehand. Councilor Ayn Hanselmann was absent with notice, all others were present. The minutes of the June 6 meetings were approved. Mayor’s Report Mayor Becky Brink announced that, due to the July 4th holiday, next month’s Council meetings will be held on July 11 and July…

Council Approves Regulations for AirBnBs and Other Short Term Rentals

At its meeting on June 20, 2023, the Sanford City Council approved amendments to Chapter 149, Licensing, Article V, Rental Housing of the City Code, adding language to regulate short-term rentals including AirBnBs. Sanford has several short-term rental properties, including treehouses and “hobbit homes” that are among the most popular in the state. The following are among the additions to the ordinance: Under Purpose; Intent, two statements were added: Preserve the residential quality of neighborhoods and residential uses to the…

The Wall That Heals Coming to Sanford in September

The Wall That Heals is coming to Sanford in September 2023. This 3/4 scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington, DC is 375 feet in length and stands 7.5 feet high at its tallest point. The Wall, with its mobile Education Center, has traveled to nearly 700 communities across the country since its dedication in 1996. The exhibit is being hosted by the Sanford Elks and local veterans’ service organizations. It will be on display on Rt.…

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