MaineDOT to Partner with Sanford

New crosswalk signage is expected to be installed around the city by the end of this year.  Photo: Pixabay By Renée Morin  In his report to the City Council on Feb. 6, 2024, City Manager Steve Buck detailed the many projects that will be undertaken in collaboration with the Maine Department of Transportation over the next three years. These projects include replacing most of the city’s traffic lights and other street and traffic improvements throughout the community.  The end of this…

Winterfest Moves Indoors 

Photo: Kristi King By Kristi King  Kick-Off for Winterfest week will be Sat. Feb. 17 from 9 am-Noon with fun in the Sanford Memorial Gym, free for kids 7th grade and younger. They’ll have a giant obstacle course and a Frozen moon bounce inside the gym. Also, on Feb. 17 from 9 am-Noon will be Toddle Time for 5 and under in the lower Café. On the same day there will be a fun scavenger hunt on Mousam Trail. Parents…

Who Was the Woodbury Building Named For?

Goodall nursing school’s first class. Dot Woodbury is seated in the middle.  Photo: Goodall Hospital  By Lawrence Furbish, Sanford Historical Committee  Who was Dorothy “Dot” Woodbury? The short answer is that she was a dedicated nurse who worked at Goodall Hospital in Sanford for 61 years. But there is much more to the story of the woman whose namesake building is soon to be torn down.   Dot was born in a tenement at 70 School St. (now 86 School St.)…

News Notes

The York County Sheriff’s Office annual Chili Cook-off took place on Feb. 9. Pictured left to right are York County Sheriff William King,third-place winner Tammy Wells, second-place winner Michael Perry, first-place winner Heath Bryant and News Center Maine anchor and Chili Cook-off judge Samantha York.  Photo: York County Sheriff’s Office  And the winner is: The York County Sheriff’s Office held its annual Chili Cook-off on Friday, Feb. 9. News Center Maine anchor Samantha York took on the role of celebrity…

Out in the Woods

Rock Tripe on Vigue Trail near Deering Pond  Photos: Kevin McKeon   Lettuce-like Rock Tripe is Edible, Barely  By Kevin McKeon, director, Mousam Way Land Trust  The trails around Deering Pond hold many interesting plants. One, seen covering many large, old rocks and outcrops of granite, is a type of lichen called rock tripe. Part of its botanical name comes from the Latin umbilicus, meaning navel. This is where another common name, navel lichen, comes from and describes how these lichens…

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