Sno-Goers Installing Gates to Curb ATV Damage

ATVs have caused damage to the snowmobile trail around the Airport.   Photos: Jim Roux  By Zendelle Bouchard  To protect it from damage caused by ATV use, the Southern Maine Sno-Goers Snowmobile Club will be installing gates at four locations on the trail adjacent to the Sanford Seacoast Regional Airport. The trail skirts the fence that surrounds the solar panels on the south side of the Airport.  In response to a letter she received from Jim Roux of the Sno-Goers, Airport Manager…

Land Bank Supports Code Changes

By Barbara Crider  At their regular meeting on Feb. 14, 2024, members of the Sanford Land Bank Commission supported code changes that would make it easier for the city to address the problem of dangerous and abandoned buildings, whether they’re vacant or not.  The Commission – comprised of three City Councilors and four other residents of Sanford – heard from Director of Community Development Ian Houseal about several proposed amendments to the city code. The most significant proposed change is…

City Council Meeting Summary

The Anderson Learning Center was once part of the Nasson College Campus.  Photo: Google  By Zendelle Bouchard  The Sanford City Council met Feb. 20, 2024. Councilor Nate Hitchcock was absent with notice; all other members were present.  The minutes of the Feb. 6 regular meeting and executive session were approved.  Mayor’s Report  Mayor Becky Brink thanked Deputy Mayor Maura Herlihy for covering for her while she was away. She also praised the city’s department heads for keeping their budgets as…


Sanford family enjoying Winterfest at Memorial GymPhoto: Kristi King

Out in the Woods

Rotting stumps, stilted roots and various mosses and lichen decorate the forest floor along Sanford’s trails. Photos: Kevin McKeon  Stilted Roots Create a Forest Mosaic  By Kevin McKeon, Director, Mousam Way Land Trust  While you’re out enjoying Sanford’s beautiful trails, you’ll occasionally catch sight of stilted or “prop” roots at the base of a tree. This growth happens when a seed falls on a rotting piece of wood covered with moss, which makes an inviting place for the seed to germinate.…

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