Hot Off the Press! 

  • February 24th 2024
  • News
Be on the lookout! On Friday March 15th, we will begin a print version of this publication. It will be distributed on Friday afternoons at various public locations throughout Sanford and Springvale. This E-Newsletter will also continue and will be emailed on Saturday instead of Sunday mornings.  Here's how you can help  Tell your friends who don’t use computers to be on the lookout for it at grocery stores, convenience stores, libraries, etc.  Help us distribute the newsletter. On Friday…

Community Calendar: Feb. 26- Mar. 3, 2024

Compiled by Lisa Blanchette, Events Editor  Visit our Events Calendar for details on these events as well as upcoming events.   Monday, Feb. 26 Baby Rhyme Time, 10 am, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main St. Food Pantry, 1 am-Noon, Sanford Food Pantry, 1204 Main St. Red Cross Blood Drive, Noon-5 pm, North Parish Church, 893 Main St. Lego Builders Club, 3:30-4:30 pm, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main St. School Committee Budget Workshop, 5 pm, Sanford City Hall, 919 Main St. Mindfulness…

Sanford High School’s Unified Basketball Team

Members of Sanford’s unified basketball team get at least one chance to score in each game  Photo: SHS Athletics Sanford High School’s Unified Basketball Team Bonds On and Off The Court  By Sam Bonsey, Sanford Schools Communication Coordinator  The bond between the members of Sanford High School's Unified Basketball Team extends far beyond the court.  Unified Basketball partners students with developmental disabilities (Unified Student-Athlete) and students without disabilities (Unified Student-Partners) to train, compete, and represent Sanford.  The season kicked off right…

Council Compromises on Flavored Tobacco Resolution

 Eighth grader Kyla Robinson (on Zoom) addresses the City Council.  Photo: WSSR-TV By Zendelle Bouchard  At the City Council’s regular meeting on Feb. 20, 2024, members of the Council debated a proposed resolution regarding flavored tobacco products, ultimately reaching a compromise that satisfied most Councilors.   To start the discussion, Deputy Mayor Maura Herlihy read the full text of the proposed resolution, which outlined the dangers of nicotine to adolescents, before getting to the controversial section, which stated that the City Council…

How Many Hospitals Did Sanford Have? 

Goodall Hospital and Nurses’ Home in 1938   Photo: Goodall Hospital Decennial Report, 1928-1938   By Lawrence Furbish, Sanford-Springvale Historical Society   Starting in January 1913, the Sanford Board of Trade established the Sanford Hospital Association to build a town hospital. Money was raised, but not enough to fund construction. In 1914, soon after completion of the construction of Springvale National Bank (now an ice cream shop at the corner of Main and Oak streets), Dr. Byron B. Moulton opened a private hospital…

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