Out In the Woods

A great blue heron forages along Number 2 Pond. Photo: Terry Jellerson Majestic Heron Can Often Be Seen at #1 Pond By Kevin McKeon, Director, Mousam Way Land Trust In an indirect way, we have a natural disaster to thank for many Sanford area residents’ first sighting of the majestic great blue heron. In mid-October 1947, more than 200 fires in southern and coastal Maine burned a quarter million acres, leveling nine towns, destroying more than 1,200 homes, killing 16…

Hand-carved Eagle Honors Veterans at SMVMC

A hand carved wooden eagle honors veterans at Southern Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Photo: Joe Doiron By Zendelle Bouchard The Southern Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Springvale has a beautiful new hand-carved wooden eagle gracing the Committal Shelter. The eagle was created by James McCain of Portland, founder of Eagles for Veterans, a nonprofit organization that provides the carvings free of charge to veterans’ organizations across the country. The eagle is approximately four feet high and three feet wide and…

Business Spotlight

Sanford Games and Collectables has filled gaming needs since 2018. Photo: Ericka Sanborn Sanford Games and Collectables: Fueling Collectors Around Maine By DJ Guillemette, Grade 8 - St. Thomas School Ever since he was young, Mike Ernest has loved playing video games. Even as an adult, and now a father, that hasn’t changed. His fond memories drove him to open his own business dedicated to just that: video games.  Managed and owned by Ernest since 2018, Sanford Games and Collectables…

Longtime Fire Chief Ray Parent Remembered

By Tammy B. Wells, York County media specialist In June 2002 there was a structure fire on Drake’s Island in Wells, in a spot where older summer cottages are pressed close together on tiny streets and lanes. Standing on the sidelines, watching the scene as Wells firefighters worked to extinguish the blaze, was Sanford Fire Chief Raymond “Ray” Parent. “This is my classroom,” he said. At that time, Parent had been a firefighter for 38 years, but he knew there…

People Around Town

Compiled by Zendelle Bouchard from Facebook posts Families at the YMCA’s Healthy Kids Day on April 20 got to meet and greet farm animals from the Hillbilly Homestead. Thom Gagne of the Sanford-Springvale Historical Museum shows toys from the Museum’s collection to young attendees at the YMCA’s Healthy Kids Day. Having a blast at the Goodall Library’s Slime Making Workshop. The Sanford Regional Communications Center’s Facebook page has been featuring the dispatchers who serve our community. Chelsey Breton, pictured here,…

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