Project Graduation 2022’s November fundraising effort is a scratch ticket/gift card raffle to be drawn on Black Friday (November 26th)! Are you feeling lucky? The chosen winner will get a $50 gift card to Meserve’s Market, $25 gift card to Aroma Joe’s, $10 gift card to Subway and $10 gift card to Dunkin’ + 63 scratch tickets of different denominations!
It’s just $5 for one entry, $20 for six entries. You can purchase chances three ways:
Email: w/ questions.
For the entire month of November, when you purchase a $2.50 reusable GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Bag at the Shaw’s located at 1364 Main St., $1 is donated to the Sanford Regional Technical Center.
York County Shelter Program’s free lunches are still being distributed every Tuesday and Thursday from their YCSP van, from noon-1:00 p.m., in the parking lot beside Roger’s Supa Dolla on Cottage Street. If you know of anyone who might welcome this service, please let them know.
On November 14, the First Baptist Church of Springvale will have one service at 10:00 a.m., instead of the usual two services at 9:00 and 11:00. They we will be having a special pot-luck type Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal at the end of Pastor’s “Gathering with Gratitude, Living with Grace” sermon series to enjoy the blessing of each other. The Board of Fellowship will be cooking the turkeys and mashed potatoes, but there is a sign-up sheet in the fellowship hall for side dishes if you plan to attend.
Sanford Soccer’s U12 boys team won their semifinal match on October 31 with a score of 7-1, and will play in the state finals in Freeport on Sunday, November 7. Good luck guys!
The Halloween Flight or Fright event at Sanford Seacoast Regional Airport was a huge success, with big crowds trick or treating.
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