Looking for help with your phone, computer, or other technology needs? Goodall Library now offers Tech Tuesdays every Tuesday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00 pm with their tech volunteer Frank. No need to sign up; just drop in to the Reference department during the allotted time.
The Sanford Schools Legacy Foundation is raising funds to honor Mrs. Lorraine Chick, who taught business classes at Sanford High School for 29 years. To make a tax-deductible donation, visit www.sanfordschoolslegacyfoundation.org/give or mail a check to the foundation at 917 Main St., Suite 200, Sanford, ME 04073. Read more about Mrs. Chick and her impact on our community in this month’s Legacy Minute: https://www.sanfordschoolslegacyfoundation.org/_files/ugd/ab5ca5_1c7971a208d7498ea467b83e68f87dee.pdf.
The Sanford-Springvale YMCA has received a $3,000 donation from the Corning Incorporated Foundation to support scholarships for youth to attend summer camp.
Sanford’s push to identify and reduce the number of abandoned buildings in the City was covered by WGME in Sanford and picked up by MSN nationally. Read/watch it here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/more-maine-communities-could-tackle-vacant-homes-buildings-under-new-law/ar-AA13CANm.
Sanford Parks and Rec offers December Vacation Camp for kids in K-6th Grade. Cost is $150 for Sanford/Springvale residents for the five-day program. This year’s camp will be held December 23, 27, 28, 29 and 30. Please note there is NO camp on Monday, December 26. Camp runs from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm and will be held at Carl J. Lamb School. Don’t wait till the last minute! Get more info and register at sanfordrec.com.
A new Sunday Skills and Games basketball program is being offered at Nasson Community Center in Springvale for kids in PreK to Grade 8. This program is privately run and is not an “in-house” program. Coach Abi has been running programming for many years in the southern Maine area and is excited to meet new players in the greater Sanford/Springvale area. Sessions begin November 13 and end December 18. Players will have 25 minutes of skills followed by four 8-minute 4-on-4 games. PreK to Grade 2 will be from 9:00 to 10:00 am; Grades 3-5 from 10:00 to 11:00, and Grades 6-8 from 11:00 to noon. Sign up at https://clubs.bluesombrero.com/sanfordspringvaleme or email jdavie@nassoncommunitycenter.com with any questions.
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