News Notes: June 12, 2022

Beginning this evening at 7:00 p.m., FineLine Pavement Striping Company will start centerline and edge line striping on all city streets. They will be striping for approximately 3-5 days (weather permitting). Please be aware of striping equipment, follow trucks and the crews working on the roadways. Please watch for wet paint. Should you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns please feel free to contact the Department of Public Works at (207) 324-9135.

The Sanford-Springvale Historical Society invites visitors to the Edmund E. Goodwin House at 505 Main Street in Springvale each Saturday during June, July and August from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Built in 1899 in the Queen Anne style, the house has been long admired as an unaltered architectural gem. Original wall paper, original furnishings and light fixtures reflect life in this unique time in history.  Enjoy a glance into the past!!!  There is never a charge for admission but donations are always welcome.

The Department of Public Works needs a new logo! The design should capture all the hard work of the DPW. High-resolution digital submissions and contact information should be e-mailed to no later than the end of the day on Monday, June 20, 2022. If you have questions, call Public Works at 207-324-9135

Thinking about getting chickens? The Building Trades program at Sanford Regional Technical Center has great coops for sale. The floor size is 4’5″ X 6’5 (a trailer will be needed to move). They have roosting bars at the back, and nest boxes on either side with hinged doors for easy egg collection. The price is $1,200 each, cash or check payable to SRTC. Sorry, no holds without payment and no delivery. For more information, email

Sanford Transit has announced a few stop changes, effective Monday, June 13. Stop # 27 – Washington Square will be moved to the School St. Lot, next to the Back Street Restaurant, and Stop # 36 – Springvale Post Office will be moved to the corner of Merrill & Main St., across from the Historical Society.

The Finance and Pastoral Councils of St. Thérèse Parish have been meeting to plan for the future of the parish. They will present this plan and listen to your feedback and suggestions at two listening sessions. At these sessions there will be a presentation of needs, and an explanation of the plan, and time for questions, answers, and comments. The sessions will be held at Holy Family Church so that they can be livestreamed. If you are a parish member, please make time to attend one of these meetings and be a part of the new vision for the parish. The sessions will be held Tuesday, June 21 at 6:00 p.m., and Sunday, June 26 after the 10:00 a.m. Mass.

The Sanford ATV Club is having a Poker Run on July 9th! What is a poker run you ask? It goes like this: Members register at The Depot on Pleasant St., where they purchase one or more hands (blank tally sheets) used to record the poker cards they’ll draw at each stop. The members then take their hand(s) to the first stop where they draw one card for each hand they purchased. Organizers observe the card(s) drawn by the participants, and mark the tally sheet(s) with the appropriate card information, and the members proceeds to the next stop with their tally sheet. After drawing their fifth card at the final stop, they will have an opportunity to purchase additional cards to improve their hands. Members then give their tally sheets to one of the organizers, who will score the sheets and determine the highest hands. Prizes will be given out accordingly. One hand (5 cards) will be $20. Additional hands will be $10 each. There will also be an opportunity to purchase up to two additional cards to replace those in your hand. The best five cards will win. At the final location (Schoolhouse Ice Cream), there will be a party with food and music. Over $1,000 in prizes will be awarded! Rain date is July 16th. Not an ATV Club member? Now is a great time to join!

Jane Kirton, longtime choral director at Sanford High School, is retiring after 21 years. Read the full story at

Three of the horses that were rescued in Springvale last year are being returned to the wild. Read all about it here on WGME’s website.

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